Meanwhile the most popular cellular network provider in Ukraine was shot down after a (assumably Russian) hacker attack.

It means random problems in random places. My work phone has no network nor internet, I can't use it for calls, nor anybody can call or message me if I'm not on wifi. Roaming doesn't work too.

Also POS terminals using SIM cards of that operator may not be able to process card payments. They have no internet. Same goes with lots of other services dependant on mobile cellular network.

In at least one of Ukrainian towns civil defense systems are paralyzed because they were dependent on mobile network of that provider. No air alerts until everything gets fixed.

Some people can't call their parents or kids. Especially elder ones not familiar with the internet. At least emergency numbers seem to be working.

Why am I writing this? It's an interesting case I never thought about. At war it may be possible for hackers to shoot down so many things by attacking only one or a few companies.

Fortunately my personal SIM card is from working cellular network provider. But now I'm pretty sure I should get a second personal SIM card from another provider just in case.