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6 posts total
Tiffany Li

Sometimes it helps to remember that you're basically a very old baby. Are you cranky? Have a snack. Are you sad? Take a nap. Do you feel frustrated for no reason, like the whole world is against you, but you don't know why? Maybe you need to go play outside!

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@tiffanycli Wow! why do I relate with this vibe so much 😭 😆

Steven Lawson Photography

@tiffanycli For me 'playing outside' is pretty much the antidote to everything, and has been for nigh-on 50 years.

Tiffany Li

The details are horrifying. The abuse these intelligent animals suffered is bad enough. Now imagine how Neuralink would treat human test subjects or, worse, “consumers.”

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@tiffanycli He’s hoping to be Trump’s Dr. Mengele


@tiffanycli I will not read it. I know the horrors we inflict on primates already. The future, if we expect to fucking HAVE a future, is #Vegan. Otherwise, we deserve the hellish extinction we have guaranteed for ourselves. #HomoSapiensIsEarthCancer #FuckElonMusk

Tiffany Li

American recommendation letters: “This candidate is the most brilliant person alive. I will never in my entire life have a student as smart as this one again.”

European recommendation letters: “This person completed the requirements for my class. They are currently alive.”

Allan Chow

@tiffanycli lol sometimes people have asked me for recommendations and I'm like uh wait. Why?

Tiffany Li

The explosion in growth for Mastodon, including among mainstream, non-tech users, is genuinely exciting. That an open-source, interoperable, nonprofit-driven protocol could reach this kind of success is incredible. The future looks bright ❤️

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Mark Douglas


We need to learn, after #twitter, #ElonMusk that keeping eggs in one basket is a recipe for disaster. Some will learn and use a #mastodon instance and others will be doomed to repeating the same mistake. Like using #PostSocial.

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