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Tiffany Li

Many of the journalists Elon suspended today on Twitter are here on . Please follow and boost:

Drew Harwell, Washington Post

Donie O’Sullivan, CNN

Steve Herman, VOA

Micah Lee, Intercept

Tony Webster

Matt Binder, Mashable

Tiffany Li

Sorry I keep deleting and correcting, this, but I want to give credit to the right accounts. Plz reply if you find any others.

Walid Damouny

@tiffanycli You can edit posts on Mastodon instead of deleting them. The edit history gets saved as well. "Edit" is in the three-dot menu.


@walid @tiffanycli
Some apps don't have edit, only 'delete and repost'.
Web version has edit.


@tiffanycli @drewharwell @donieosullivan @w7voa @micahflee @tony @MattBinder

What did they do? If it was bad, why would I follow them here? Just because it was Musk that banned them, it doesn't mean it wasn't without good reason. Which of them is really abusing their power? Need more info.


@AndyLGAtkins The reason to follow them is: if they post good content.
Costs you nothing to follow, and if you don't think they post good content, unfollow.
If you want to check them out before clicking follow, that's fine too, and in your own power to do rather than asking others to do your research for you.


@AndyLGAtkins @tiffanycli @drewharwell @donieosullivan @w7voa @micahflee @tony @MattBinder I think the question is, how have you MISSED the stories and posts that explain exactly that?

Jon Ivy (艾森)

@tiffanycli I don't think the giant billionaire-owned publications need your advertising for them, and the VOA? Official propaganda from U.S. government.


@jonivy that is certainly a take that someone would choose to type out


@jonivy I literally grew up in Moscow listening to VOA on radio with my parents, the only way for us to peek to the other side of the Iron Curtain. Please don’t denigrate them.


@dgillespiejr there are a few versions of his account already here but not sure if they're real? Aaron made the morning news here, being interviewed on how he found out he was suspended. He's excellent - always appreciated his tweets on TFG's rallys!

Dinah Phillips

@tiffanycli @drewharwell @donieosullivan @w7voa @micahflee @tony @MattBinder
I’m following everyone who got banned…but no women on the list? What does that mean?


@Diphi Maybe he doesn't realize women can be journalists. 😅


@Dodo Oh that is sad. I was looking for Aaron Rupar here. But I joined the free version of his Substack, so I'm sure he'll post his handle there if he comes over here.


@janet1 @tiffanycli @drewharwell @donieosullivan @w7voa @micahflee @tony @MattBinder @atrupar Unfortunately that is just a bot cross posting his stuff. If and when he decides to get involved here I'd like to follow his contributions.

R3tr0 - in cyp4ernat10n

I got suspended for sharing publically available information about his four planned. After 12 years I was suspended indefinitely @tiffanycli @drewharwell @donieosullivan @w7voa @micahflee @tony @MattBinder


@tiffanycli @drewharwell @donieosullivan @w7voa @micahflee @tony @MattBinder

Please convince you media platforms to create and maintain accounts on mastodon as well. The only thing that this platform is missing is frequent content

Stefan Scholl

@donieosullivan @w7voa @tiffanycli @drewharwell @MattBinder @tony @micahflee @Gargron if they are on a German server the German laws apply. Be careful. We don’t have absolute freedom of speech. And even gathering and publishing openly available personal data can be illegal.

If you are only comfortable with the laws in the USA you should choose an instance in the USA.


@tiffanycli @drewharwell @donieosullivan @w7voa @micahflee @tony @MattBinder

Thank you! I am always looking for reliable news sources. To everyone new to mastodon, you can subscribe to hashtags!

B Clark

@tiffanycli @drewharwell @donieosullivan @w7voa @micahflee @tony @MattBinder
Hi Journalists it’s a little easier to see everything here without BOTs my civil rights were violated and I was wondering if it was possible to reach out to you guys by email to get my story heard to get support in a legal battle

@tiffanycli @drewharwell @donieosullivan @w7voa @micahflee @tony @MattBinder nah, I don't like journalists, because they ruin whatever I make.

Certainly don't care if Elon suspended them or if they are here.

Thankyou. I have been looking for them to follow. That’s the way we roll here. @tiffanycli @drewharwell @donieosullivan @w7voa @micahflee @tony @MattBinder


@tiffanycli @drewharwell @donieosullivan @w7voa @micahflee @tony @MattBinder One of these profiles has been hidden by the moderators of

Miriam Vince

@tiffanycli @drewharwell @donieosullivan @w7voa @micahflee @tony @MattBinder just followed all of you. Looking forward to continuing my calling as a news junkie on @Mastodon!


@tiffanycli Thank you for the list, this is the reason I joined, so it is a great start to my new account!


@tiffanycli @drewharwell @donieosullivan @w7voa @micahflee @tony @MattBinder

Thank you for posting this. Starting over trying to find people is a challenge, but worth it👍

Jonathan Schrag

@tiffanycli @drewharwell @donieosullivan @w7voa @micahflee @tony @MattBinder thank you For the links! So maybe EM bought Twitter to usurp national centrist News and provide a vehicle for Putin, et al to continue the assault on Democracy!?


@tiffanycli @drewharwell @donieosullivan @micahflee @tony @MattBinder

Now let's hope that these news sites don't use twitter as a source anymore. It's not independent anymore, the bias is not that of a general audience and, as seen, can be manipulated by Elon Musk. With an agenda behind it, probably...


Brain drain and exodus of intellect in one.
Power to the mild and patient ones, down with macho structures :^)
@tiffanycli @drewharwell @donieosullivan @w7voa @micahflee @tony @MattBinder


@tiffanycli Thanks for publishing the l8st of journalists. 👍

Consultant insider

@tiffanycli @drewharwell @donieosullivan @micahflee @tony @MattBinder look forward to following you! Also feel free to follow back, will be dropping some insights now and then ;)

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