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Tiffany Li

Sometimes it helps to remember that you're basically a very old baby. Are you cranky? Have a snack. Are you sad? Take a nap. Do you feel frustrated for no reason, like the whole world is against you, but you don't know why? Maybe you need to go play outside!

Paul McO'Smith III

@tiffanycli this is tricky for a person with chronic mental illness... these ideas are decidedly not helpful.


@pavsmith @tiffanycli I'm sorry to hear of your experiences and hope people with disabilities like those find other ways than the above to cope. However, for others these things hold very true; for example going outside generally makes us happier, relieves stress and reduces anxiety. Most of us are prone to getting hangry etc.


@korvroffe @tiffanycli I just love this response. Really acknowledging the other person while making an additional point. Very thoughtful πŸ‘

Paul McO'Smith III

@korvroffe hi there. yes, it works beautifully until your issue is completely physical. annoys me endlessly. however, being outside on my balcony, ignoring the real world, and watching the huge (permanent) traffic jam downstairs, is... surprisingly soothing.

Silly Jim - webcomic

@tiffanycli Main goal: drop your phone. (like, turn of the wifi for a while) It'll stimulate you to go back to life and, like, do stuff to enjoy it.

Julie Goldberg

@tiffanycli I am extremely cranky, and I think I need a snack!

Green Roc Thoughts

@tiffanycli "Are you cranky? Have a snack." This works, I feel happier. (me snacking on chips/crisps)


@tiffanycli I just had a 66-year-old tell me that when he comes home all grumpy and fussy, his wife gently gets him to take a 20-mile bike ride. He said it calms him down every time!


@tiffanycli When can us adults get a recess break? I'd love a game of Tag, or Red Rover, or Four Square.


@LeftAnteriorOblique @tiffanycli My son, when little, would run me a bath & put on my favourite cassette.


@tiffanycli Wow! why do I relate with this vibe so much 😭 πŸ˜†

Steven Lawson Photography

@tiffanycli For me 'playing outside' is pretty much the antidote to everything, and has been for nigh-on 50 years.

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