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@tiffanycli I hit the wrong 'like' button and was mildly confused and then amused


@tiffanycli Y’all , just read the alt text! It’s so ironic!

Spyros Tzortzis

@tiffanycli Now if only we had quote toots, we could add one more layer to the fediverse of madness!

Gabriel Berardi :coffefied:

@tiffanycli Can someone post a screenshot of this on the bird site?

Dan York

@tiffanycli In the old days, we might have said your post was “very meta” 🙂… before a large social network company decided to rename themselves to that.

Diplom Flausch/Dave™

@tiffanycli Okay, now I'm _really_ thinking about creating an imgur account just to post a screenshot of this. But until I do that, it'll be going through Discord first.


@tiffanycli Well that was a torturous route to get the information to us on Mastodon but I appreciate it because it is an interesting take on Musk. He doesn’t act much like a genius to me. He acts like a petulant child. And we’ve all had a seven-year education on what a petulant child acts like.

bob :fediverse:

@tiffanycli Nothing travels faster than bad news about bad people.


@tiffanycli I'd kind of hoped that @rodhilton comment, in particular, would somehow end up on bird site.

*chef kiss*

Twitter_expat ✅(Fedi Resident)

And some people say you can quote on ... What am I looking at?!?!


@tiffanycli I feel like this is something I'll see again.

I'd also say you don't need to know about cars to realize he's an idiot with some of the stuff Tesla has done.

Arie Goldshlager

@tiffanycli A true testament to user conviction and loyalty...


Diana Poudel :EE_UA:


And then they say that there is no such virality in Mastodon as in Twitter 😂 I am sure that there is some screenshot in Facebook with @rodhilton posts also ;)

Andrei Cristian Petcu

Reshare does not work since the other two are not federated. We need to use screenshots like barbarians.


@tiffanycli and posting this here, infinite recursion will now doom us all.

Ricky Romero

@tiffanycli Reminds me of “they did surgery on a grape”


I just logged in to find him because of that. He definitely wins the internet today!

Gen X-Wing

@tiffanycli @MannyMR Impressive that @rodhilton was both proven right (Musk is full of shit) and that wasn’t the dumbest thing he’s heard (“my son…”, hope his son never writes anything mission critical).



This needs to be printed out, and snail mailed to someone.

Then maybe a photo taken and posted online 🤔

Dallman Ross

@tiffanycli Hey, I've followed that Twitter user for years!


SpaceX had NUMEROUS firsts in the industry, that were considered literally impossible. As a whole they aren't "his" rockets, except by association of owning the company. The twitter ordeal is a whole other ball game

Factpipe, PolitiPipe

@tiffanycli If it was also on FB, would it qualify as a meta meta post?


@tiffanycli Elon Musk is the Thomas Eddison of our time and I DO NOT mean that as a compliment.

RH on :linux:

@tiffanycli that we "need" that amount of platforms is absurd


@tiffanycli I luv it too, but I really do. 😂😂

Mensch, Marina

@tiffanycli Typical exampel of gossip, but with sources.

Dawn Tåke 🏳️‍⚧️

I feel like I should screenshot this and post it on Cohost or Pillowfort.


You may have just created the turducken of social media.


@tiffanycli 🤣🤣🤣 Why isn’t there an embedded youtube video in there somewhere?!

John MacKinnon

@tiffanycli This post is a travesty. It's a travesty of a mockery of a sham of a mockery of two mockeries of a sham.

Derek Brauders

@tiffanycli I got very confused reading the pathway, it was delightful🤪🤔😂.
Re the main point though: you so rarely see something so funny and so very true...😲😂

Jordi R. Smjle

@tiffanycli I've made a screenshot to share this toot to a telegram group. Perhaps it lacks a step to Reddit...


@tiffanycli nunca subestimes la creatividad humana.

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