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Tiffany Li

The details are horrifying. The abuse these intelligent animals suffered is bad enough. Now imagine how Neuralink would treat human test subjects or, worse, “consumers.”

Mastodon Migration

@tiffanycli Perhaps Elon Musk will offer free Twitter for anyone willing to put one of his chips in their head?

#neuralink #Musk

Chill Bonobo

@tiffanycli Oh man, those poor buddies. The descriptions of the monkeys' behavior after getting the implants is really sad.


@tiffanycli Does Musk have his yet? No? Why not?

The Carrier

@tiffanycli The billionaire fascist wants to conduct human experiments.

Can't see how this goes wrong.


@signalthirteen @tiffanycli Maybe Charlie Kirk & Tucker Carlson already have one of the implants? No one knows, I'm just asking questions.

The Carrier

@timo21 @tiffanycli Well that would explain a few things.

No matter how good the chip is that's a lot of intellectual drag to have to make up.

Weyoun 6

@tiffanycli counterpoint: as long as subjects are voluntary maybe this is a net win for humanity.


@weyoun6 @tiffanycli part of being a good, humane society is not allowing people to undergo this kind of abuse, even if they would consent to it


@tiffanycli He’s hoping to be Trump’s Dr. Mengele


@tiffanycli I will not read it. I know the horrors we inflict on primates already. The future, if we expect to fucking HAVE a future, is #Vegan. Otherwise, we deserve the hellish extinction we have guaranteed for ourselves. #HomoSapiensIsEarthCancer #FuckElonMusk

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