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49 posts total
CatSalad🐈🥗 (D.Burch) :blobcatrainbow:

You know what? *renames all your printers to HP M101-M106*

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@catsalad that’s both amazing and also an impressively effective way to induce instant motion sickness.



Don’t give players shovels. Have we learned nothing from Mythic Quest?

CatSalad🐈🥗 (D.Burch) :blobcatrainbow:

Google announced that starting in June 2024, ad blockers such as uBlock Origin #uBO will be disabled in Chrome 127 and later with the rollout of Manifest V3 (#Mv3).

The new #Chrome manifest will prevent using custom filters and stops on demand updates of blocklist. Only #Google authorized updates to browser extension will be allowed in the future, which mean an automatic win for Google in their battle to stop YouTube #AdBlockers .

#ManifestV3 is deceitful and threatening to your privacy, and now is a good time to switch to #Firefox (@mozilla) and/or #TorBrowser (@torproject) if you haven't done so already!

EFF (@eff) on Google’s Manifest V3:



Chrome Manifest V3 Transition Timeline (2023-11-16)



EDIT for clarification: MV3 in Chrome will still allow some ad blocking extensions, but will severely limit their blocking ability and even restricts pre-set filters to 50 MAX.

Google announced that starting in June 2024, ad blockers such as uBlock Origin #uBO will be disabled in Chrome 127 and later with the rollout of Manifest V3 (#Mv3).

The new #Chrome manifest will prevent using custom filters and stops on demand updates of blocklist. Only #Google authorized updates to browser extension will be allowed in the future, which mean an automatic win for Google in their battle to stop YouTube #AdBlockers .

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@catsalad @mozilla @torproject @eff "Mozilla, apparently forced to follow in Google's wake for compatibility reasons, announced it will also be requiring extensions to switch to service workers. While Mozilla will continue to support the blocking capabilities of webRequest, in addition to implementing declarativeNetRequest, it was framed as a temporary reprieve “until there’s a better solution which covers all use cases we consider important.”"

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@catsalad @mooseandriosmom Dave's not here man. But, no, he can't hear either. Nor can Dave spell.



🎵 Don't let poor Dave f-f-fade away
Let's boost him is what I'm trying to s-s-say
Dave could cause a big s-s-sensation
I'm just talking 'bout the f-f-federation! 🎵

CatSalad🐈🥗 (D.Burch) :blobcatrainbow:

Maybe the real treasure is the microplastics we ingested along the way...

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I’m planning to biohack myself into being my own 3D printer.


@catsalad kidney stones gonna start coming in Pokémon shapes…

I passed a Pikachu!


@catsalad A bounty inherited from generations past lol

CatSalad🐈🥗 (D.Burch) :blobcatrainbow:

Candy is expensive this year... (and needed some side income)

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Mikal with a k

It's a nice evening and I'm sitting on my porch scrolling and then I saw this and busted up laughing so loud I think I may have freaked the neighbors out.


@catsalad why are you giving kids condoms?
(That's what they look like)

CatSalad🐈🥗 (D.Burch) :blobcatrainbow:

LIGO Surpasses Quantum Limit


Turning "quantum cabbages into quantum cucumbers"

Botiplz :spezi:

@catsalad When I woke up today, I saw that post and read "LEGO" first.

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@catsalad That's hilarious! Our dogs are mostly annoyed by ours, and the little dog is very nervous when it gets too close for her comfort.

CatSalad🐈🥗 (D.Burch) :blobcatrainbow:

Checking if your mental state is secure


This check is taking longer than expected. Check your self awareness connection and refresh the ego if the issue persists.

CatSalad🐈🥗 (D.Burch) :blobcatrainbow:

People who hate negative numbers will stop at nothing to avoid them..

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Rev. GothAlice

@catsalad 🤔 I guess that's why corporate stopped asking me for line count change reports. They stopped mentioning it after the third -2,000 lines of change or so.

Okay, fine, it wasn't me. But I wish it were. Nothing quite as satisfying. There's always some portion of the population attracted to things that repulse others. 😜

CatSalad🐈🥗 (D.Burch) :blobcatrainbow:

OOO Message Idea:

I will be out of the office from xxxx to xxxx. All received emails, including this one, are permanently deleted.

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Xavier «X» Santolaria :verified_paw: :donor:

@catsalad That's pretty much what happens to a lot of people, for extended time off :bloblaugh:​ 🙈

Loïc ⏚

@catsalad More or less the same but with a "soft touch" I guess: All received emails are marked as read 🤪


@catsalad I've seen such an OOO message, although it had 2 additional sentences: 1: if it can't wait until I return from vacation, please contact XXX and 2: if it is still relevant when I'm back in office, please email me again.

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@catsalad Oh so true. Just take a WiFi antenna, screw it on a cut off lan cable, and hand it to someone at work. Then make them call tech support to fix it.

They WILL hate you.

(The resulting hate will vary depending on how much of a Karen you pick. Your mileage may vary)


@catsalad Putting the Ether back into Ethernet.

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