Awake, but at what cost?
@catsalad omg it me Awww poor little mite, you look so cosy there. Which horrible human disturbed you? Yup that's me in the morning. Starting around a second after midnight, continuing until I can't get back to sleep or the alarm is irritating me.
@catsalad hahaha is this my spirit cat?!
@catsalad Bloody Monday!
OMG, my first laugh out loud today! ❤️
@catsalad being awake is overrated. :neocat_woozy: irl
@catsalad mood
@catsalad @lisamelton definitely a day for cat snuggles, but isn’t every day?
@catsalad :bc_heartsqueeze:
@catsalad omg it me