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a cool thing about being on friend camp infrastructurally is the array of little services we get access to through oauth, made by campers. @darius's rss-to-activitypub, @emma's camp map for instance relevant stuff, @deathsatchel's alert service for when campers are streaming.

any instance could offer similar sorts of little services just for its users via the oauth endpoints mastodon provides: the ones we have are pretty neat and useful imo


TIL that if you can prove permanent disability (eg doctor’s note, document from the VA, SSI, SSDI, or a state agency) you qualify for a lifetime national parks pass



Hmm. I wonder if hearing loss counts? Something to ask my audiologist next month. Definitely permanent.


feeling feels helping edit my last interview for logic. after the next issue the magazine will transition to new leadership and I'll be formally out of the day-to-day and moving fully into cheerleading from the board! I'm excited for its future and very glad to have had shaped it and it shaped me


I haven't been actively involved in the magazine in a bit, so it's really nice to step back into the story of when we started it six years ago and reflect on how much I, we, the magazine, and the larger conversation around technology and society has changed in that time. I'm grateful for everyone I got to meet along the way. excited for this next change, think it's more appropriate for today (more on that here, if this is news to you: onward~


the washington post has an article up today about the work immigrant groups, newsrooms, and meedan (where I work) have been doing to curb misinformation in non-english language speaking communities for the US midterms, and how gargantuan of a task it is particularly when large centralized platforms continue to be rife with misinformation and moderate non-english content poorly.

Keith Kurson how's work at meedan been? has it been much harder during the leadup to the midterms?

lisa c

@christa This was interesting. Given how easy it seems to be to share misinformation in English, I can't imagine how hard it would be to try to stop it in other languages on apps, etc.


I've been talking with many friends considering moving to Mastodon, so I tried to writeup my thoughts about why and how to do that! it's not comprehensive, instead like a casual chat, but hope it's helpful!

feel free to share; feedback & q's welcome


I've seen some chatter lately about folks encouraging institutions to run new instances, but haven't seen as much about the emergence of new collectively governed instances by groups of people unaffiliated with a particular institution, which I'm personally more excited about.

are there examples of these existing currently (I only know of and does anyone know of resources for people looking to start their own?

Dan Hon

@christa There's a bunch that I've seen, off the top of my head there's an hci one, a scicomm one...


a thing I think folks outside of government may not be aware of is that it's not a given that the federal government can develop technology services that can be provided, for fee or for free, to non-federal agencies (eg gov in states, tribes, territories, local).

why? good question! it's because the US loves private industry, and has written into its guidance that the US federal government should not offer services the private sector could.

links in next post -


here is, I believe, the latest guidance around this:

and in it a quote from Section 302 of the Intergovernmental Cooperation Act of 1968, which still provides the foundation today:

"The Director's rules and regulations shall be consistent with, and in furtherance of, the Government's policy of relying on the private enterprise system to provide those services which are reasonably and expeditiously available through ordinary business channels."


I get sad when I think about people joining the fediverse and not being able to have a conversation just with folks on their instance, with infrastructure and a moderator they trust


mastodon without local-only posting replicates some of the worst forced exposure parts of twitter, with the added complication of decentralized infrastructures and trust. there’s no reason to trust every server equally


I'm selling my elektron digitakt, barely used. sorry it's a lot of money, was a pricey buy to find out it wasn't my thing! but maybe it's yours?

anyway if you'd care to buy it here you go; feel free to send offers. can arrange free pickup in SF!


I'm selling my Nikon D750 camera body. it's a great full-frame camera, lightly used, but I wanted to downsize!

if you'd like to buy it just shoot me an offer through craigslist or here via DM (same apology as previous post for price). the post is craigslist inflated, so don't feel bad if your offer is lower. I'm happy to ship to folks I know here, too.


we're now accepting pitches for our next issue of Logic! the theme is DISTRIBUTION.

more on the theme, rates, how to pitch, and deadlines are here:

outside of reported pieces, we're also always looking for interesting folks to talk to for interviews (identified or anonymous). our anonymous series talks with rank-and-file tech workers about their work.

if you know of someone who'd like to chat, contact us the same way as a pitch or DM me for my signal


my team just opened up a role for product manager! do you know anyone who might be a good fit? job requirements, values, and salary in the post.

day-to-day you'd be working in a small team focused on expanding clearance eligibility, implementing clearance automation with gov, building tools for legal aid, centering impacted folks.

happy to chat/answer any questions!

Vampire Hunter B ✝🗡🦇

@christa what do you use for these visualizations? I was using ffmpeg, but I can't figure out circular level visualizations


(belated) #looptober #3

dueling recording software

callie bee :enbee:

@christa hell yeah love this as spooky theme music



first time doing any sort of drum-like thing in garage band, I think?


@christa it goes so well with your avatar - i can imagine that little possum singing and playing on a synth


new bloops4u: holy phone compression edition

my first drum sequence on my digitakt!


(also here, bc holy phone compression:

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