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here is, I believe, the latest guidance around this:

and in it a quote from Section 302 of the Intergovernmental Cooperation Act of 1968, which still provides the foundation today:

"The Director's rules and regulations shall be consistent with, and in furtherance of, the Government's policy of relying on the private enterprise system to provide those services which are reasonably and expeditiously available through ordinary business channels."

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there's legislation coming down the line to hopefully change this. aaron snow wrote a good blog post about this more in-depth as it relates to both the US and Canada here: recommend checking it out if you're interested!


@christa I wonder if cooperatives count as private enterprises... Ugh I don't want to do government sales but I suppose it's better than profit-maximizing entities doing it :/

Darius Kazemi

@christa 1968 was a huge year for US Gov't information technology policy. Same year, President Johnson said all government computer systems must use ASCII. Also the year that BBN applied for and received the contract from ARPANET to make the first IMP routers


@darius darius I just posted in my work slack asking for recommendations of readings about historical context of this act and technology procurement guidance following. I should’ve asked you! hah. so, any readings you’d recommend??

Darius Kazemi

@christa it all goes back to President Johnson's 1967 Task Force on Communication Policy, which ultimately birthed the White House Office of Telecommunications Policy. 1968 was ALSO the birth of public broadcasting in the US, I believe ALSO linked to the task force but I'm not 100% sure

Darius Kazemi

@christa it was part of his Great Society initiative more broadly, which was comprised of a whole bunch of "task forces" on crime, poverty, etc

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