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I've seen some chatter lately about folks encouraging institutions to run new instances, but haven't seen as much about the emergence of new collectively governed instances by groups of people unaffiliated with a particular institution, which I'm personally more excited about.

are there examples of these existing currently (I only know of and does anyone know of resources for people looking to start their own?

9 comments | Expand all CWs
Dan Hon

@christa There's a bunch that I've seen, off the top of my head there's an hci one, a scicomm one...


@Danhon is hci actually collectively governed? my understanding is it's funded by princeton hci and admin'ed by multiple people, but not sure how decisions get made (though they're quite young, it's possible the infra just isn't there yet). my post is mostly a reflection on the academic communities I've seen springing up


@dajb good clarification! not on the technical side, more on the governance side. there's the "how do we share the load" / "what does admin mean and who does it" / "how do we make decisions" etc considerations (think it would be helpful to have a "so you're thinking about starting a cooperative masto instance; here's things to think about" guide), and my experience is that communities need additional tools to self-govern (we have tried using on friend camp)


@dajb so, some of it is mapping the technical domain to collective governance. every instance will have its own approach, obviously, but I think it'd be helpful to have reflections from instances that have done it before as others consider it

Ed Summers

@christa @dajb seems like a good start?


@edsu @dajb definitely agree it's a good start! (I'm on darius's server he describes in that piece). I think there's some additional guidance that would be useful from folks who have done the collective governance part, though (which is why I think folks could be a great source of that material)


@christa @edsu @dajb Great point. @ethanz do you have any insights and/or suggestions about how to talk to about collectively governed Mastodon instances?

Doug Belshaw

@christa So I'd like to be part of these discussions as well! 😄

I'm part of and have experience running a co-op (@weareopencoop) but that doesn't necessarily prepare me, for example, to be admin of

My questions would be like yours around:

1. Admin/moderation
2. Sustainability (i.e. funding)
3. Decision-making

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