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98 posts total

i'm trying to work out whether i saw "the Brave Little Toaster" as an extremely young child, because if i did, i was so young that i only remember a few extremely vague images from the film, and also that i found it very scary, so my parents probably took it away and never showed it to me again. i haven't seen it since but the plot seems to feature what would be called "mild peril" so maybe it checks out

Eugen Rochko

@jk The movie features multiple traumatizing scenes and I have watched it many times as a young child. I have turned out fine


today’s progress in “turn half of the wardrobe into an electronics workspace” is

- screwed some pieces of wood into the wall
- drilled exactly 1 hole
- wired up an LED strip light
- modified the LED strip light’s power supply with a higher sense resistor because it’s way too bright
- re-wired up the LED strip light


today: putting in the brackets. while i wait for the plywood to show up


i think its really cute how computers have a Mouse

Eugen Rochko

@jk Why aren't they called hamsters? They have a wheel


feel like running literally everything in docker containers is just static linking by other means

Eugen Rochko

@jk Asserting dominance by including its own linux kernel in your software executable


ive replaced this 20W halogen light bulb with a 28W-equivalent LED light bulb. and what can i tell ya. its much worse, terrible color accuracy, and also dimmer


turbo dog collar. $14.99. makes your dog faster. This collar will increase your dog. warning: may increase your dog


i cant wait for python 4 where you type quit in the REPL and it quits rather than recognizing that you want to quit and telling you off and refusing to quit

Dag Ågren ↙︎↙︎↙︎

@jk This is my favourite category of UX: Programs that actually make the effort to figure out what you are trying to do, and then telling you they won't do it.

Especially a fan of:

$ Code/
-bash: Code/: is a directory

Yeah. I know. That's why I typed it in, so you could cd into it.


id like to invent a bassline that, when unaccompanied, could play sokoban


is it normal that over 50% of everything under my kitchen sink is either flammable or extremely flammable?? various aerosols, white spirit, methylated spirits, wd-40, some wood polish, linseed oil, that label gunk remover thats basically just petrol, acetone, isopropyl alcohol..... i mean. if i want to dissolve anything off of anything else im all set


now available. from my small e-commerce small business:

- genuine lung air
from my lungs

- genuine burger king air. from 1 of my 2 local burger king restaurants (combination drive-thru and regular restaurant burger king)

- genuine post office air (from local post office where i dispatch deliveries of the lung air and burger king air)


i wish i had access to that feeling of "meaningful and inspirational introspective melancholy" rather than the way i experience sadness recently which is like "reacting to everything i see by being moderately pissed off about it but having no idea why it actually bothers me so much, and then feeling guilty about my inability to just be chill and positive about stuff"


i have a theory that maybe ive just been too much on the internet this year. ive just seen too much stuff. too much information.
and maybe the way one reacts when confronted with too much stuff is just like... mildly irritated all the time and subtly wanting it to all go away???

is that the true symptom of information overload? when a new thing comes out that you've been looking forward to and your first reaction is "ughhh not more stuff that now exists"

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