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i cant wait for python 4 where you type quit in the REPL and it quits rather than recognizing that you want to quit and telling you off and refusing to quit

Dag Ågren ↙︎↙︎↙︎

@jk This is my favourite category of UX: Programs that actually make the effort to figure out what you are trying to do, and then telling you they won't do it.

Especially a fan of:

$ Code/
-bash: Code/: is a directory

Yeah. I know. That's why I typed it in, so you could cd into it.

Eugen Rochko

@WAHa_06x36 @jk Eh. If I typo the path to a binary I'd rather be told this than have my working directory switched to god knows where.

Dag Ågren ↙︎↙︎↙︎

@Gargron @jk Switching directory is very safe, though, and you would save a lot needless typing of "cd ".

(Also, this behaviour only triggers if you add a / at the end of the directory, like you get when using tab completion, so it could even be limited to just that case, and still be very useful, without causing issues with mistyped commands.)

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