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99 posts total

i wish i had access to that feeling of "meaningful and inspirational introspective melancholy" rather than the way i experience sadness recently which is like "reacting to everything i see by being moderately pissed off about it but having no idea why it actually bothers me so much, and then feeling guilty about my inability to just be chill and positive about stuff"


i have a theory that maybe ive just been too much on the internet this year. ive just seen too much stuff. too much information.
and maybe the way one reacts when confronted with too much stuff is just like... mildly irritated all the time and subtly wanting it to all go away???

is that the true symptom of information overload? when a new thing comes out that you've been looking forward to and your first reaction is "ughhh not more stuff that now exists"


itd be good if there was a social network for following lots of people who each only actually need to post every 1-5 years, like musicians or animators or whatever, where you don't want to see hourly posts by them but you DO want to keep tabs on them because you love their work. i guess maybe patreon etc. fills that niche? in theory you could just make social network alt-accounts. but nobody really seems to do that and "1 post every 18 months" isn't really how most stuff is supposed to be used

Alexis Werefox :verified:

@jk I feel like at that point we're talking more about a platform than a network.

If the point is to follow people just so you're notified when they make something, there's not much to it being "social".


two kinds of people in this world


turn any photo into a detailed 3D model of an aircraft with blender's "import images as planes" addon


who actually coined the term “bogosort”

Eugen Rochko

@jk Do not disrespect the good name of John Bogosort


beastars is gonna do for the 20s what scott pilgrim did for the 10s

Eugen Rochko

@jk I'm not sure what that is, I've never seen Scott Pilgrim


computer analysed languagee and complained about Computer. the word's not right. it wants to be called the Number Worm


if you played minecraft as a kid im sorry but you must still be a kid since minecraft only came out about two and a half years ago

Eugen Rochko

@jk I bought the alpha of that game 😨


its impossible to build a computer. its against the laws of physics, nay, the laws of mathematics. it was proven by Turing


its just occurred to me also that the number of UFOs you have seen is inversely proportional to your skill at identifying flying objects


it was sad when they switched off the original analog TV broadcasts because digital had replaced them, but it’s gonna be even sadder when they finally disconnect the sewer system in favour of the more modern, Digital Sewer (also known as the Internet)


at the Drum Restaurant

me: lets skip to the dessert menu, shall we? i'm feeling VERY Gongy today


cat with potatoes


Im a fan of music, yeah, i enjoy listening to some music


possums are extremely aerodynamic. but to what end


BEEP honk honk GONG! berp berp Fwoo HSSH HSSH HSSH *lightsaber sounds* Vehicle Reversing *MacOS quack*


once i noticed my camera had a small area of dead pixels on the screen so i bought a sturdy glass-style screen protector to stop it getting any worse. it was extremely cheap, seemed like a good idea. when i tried to fit it, it immediately snapped in half. didn't bother to return it. the company that sold me the screen protector have continued to email me new offers on screen protectors for several years. for some reason i haven't unsubscribed either. every few months i get another & feel weirder

Eugen Rochko

@jk Ironic... It could protect others, but not itself


millipede the result of a horrendous runaway optimization failure wherein godnature kept rewarding more and more legs for some reason. thats all He wanted to see: legs. and by god,now hes got them

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