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825 posts total
We're ready for you, the real question is, are you ready for us?

pixelfed is a very promising ActivityPub platform for short form video, and could use your financial support to help fund and sustain this initiative!

Donations can be made via @pixelfed

Let’s build a new TikTok that’s federated and better for humanity! Boosts appreciated!

#loops #activityPub #tikTok


Wow, over 300 people have applied to the @loops beta!

I have great news, some of you will be getting early access to Loops this weekend!

You have been promoted! You are now one of my elite employees!

#loops #pixelfed

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@dansup @loops yep applied in the first round when it was first pushed out

Sean Torres

@dansup @loops

Where do we apply? I'm wanting to provide this as a locally owned and operated radio station to our local college and city.

You can find us KOFO 1220AM/103.7FM


Loops is special in so many ways, being open source is the most important one.

I've published the skeleton and will update it with runnable code in the next few days.

#loops #openSource #fediverse

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@dansup i also like that it has a cool short name that will catch on πŸ˜€

Panos Alevropoulos

@dansup Thanks for your work! Without a license, right now it's just source-available. Are you going to add an AGPLv3 license?


✨Introducing Loops, a fediverse TikTok platform.

Explore and share short videos on the fediverse using your Pixelfed or Mastodon account.

Available Soon.

Follow @loops for early access to the beta and updates.

#loops #pixelfed #pixelfedLoops

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@pixelfed @loops @SheDrivesMobility Ganz bald vlt. eine spannende (Fediverse-)Alternative zu #tiktok ..!?
V.a. mit Blick auf deine Herausforderung mit dem Algorithmus dort?

Priceless Planet

@pixelfed @loops Hoping that it doesn't end up with mindless content with many people trying to be as funny as possible.


Take advantage of a whole new dimension in the fediverse with Pixelfed Stories!

- Stories can be posted from web or apps
- Stories can be viewed from web or apps
- Stories are federated, and reactions/comments/likes and views are federated as well!

#pixelfed #stories #PixelfedStories

Liaizon Wakest

@pixelfed thanks for featuring my story @dansup, looks like previews are not working in the DM view, should I file an issue for this or is it already known?


Pixelfed Groups even supports #polls and #events

This opens up so many more federation possibilities 😍

#pixelfed #groups #activityPub

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Scott Starkey ("he" or "they")


You're totally amazeballs! Thanks for all your hard work!

@dansup this is getting very interesting. Will groups federate to other pixelfed instances? Would they somehow also federate to ActivityPub servers in some form?

@dansup I still can't download it, it says,available soon,you're registered


Pixelfed Live is one of the most overlooked features we have

We're working on v2 with easier deployment, first class mobile app support and improved federation!

ICYMI: Pixelfed Live = Broadcast Live from Anywhere, with Chat!

#pixelfed #pixelfedLive

Michael Gisiger :mastodon:

@dansup Is that feature part of the official Android app? Or is it a dedicated app?

Martina Neumayer

@dansup I think not overlooked but inpractical one due to the need of using yet another separate app on the mobile. If this feature will be integrated into the main app, probably the whole situation will be much better than actually is. People today are increasingly moving away from the need or trend for installing separate apps for every single, little thing. In the contrary, unification and integrity is the best possible way. Because fragmentation always was and will be a very bad idea.


Did you know the @pixelfed app uses a deduplication algorithm on the hashtag feed?

Early on we identified a pattern of accounts posting the same content on their Mastodon/Pleroma account and again on their Pixelfed account.

Nobody wants to see duplicate posts, and I’m proud of the complex yet elegant solution I shipped!

It’s the small things and attention to detail that set us apart 😁



Excited to share that Ghost is going to federate over ActivityPub and become part of the largest open publishing network in the world πŸŽ‰

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@johnonolan Great news!

>There are multiple ways of supporting gated access to content in ActivityPub, and we're going to do our best to create a seamless experience both for publishers and for readers.

I've built an ActivityPub powered content subscription service called Mitra. Right now it uses direct messages to distribute subscriber-only posts. This method is compatible with most Fediverse micro-blogging services, but doesn't scale, so I'm doing research on federated private groups. I also wrote (and implemented) a specification for federated payments:

Looking forward to working together on standards for subscription services

@johnonolan Great news!

>There are multiple ways of supporting gated access to content in ActivityPub, and we're going to do our best to create a seamless experience both for publishers and for readers.

I've built an ActivityPub powered content subscription service called Mitra. Right now it uses direct messages to distribute subscriber-only posts. This method is compatible with most Fediverse micro-blogging services, but doesn't scale, so I'm doing research on federated private groups. I also wrote...

theruran 🌐🏴

@johnonolan props to the informative webpage design! at first I thought it was just going to be a 'get early access' form.

Jesse Karmani

@johnonolan not only am I very very excited about your upcoming federation, but this is an absolutely beautiful announcement post 😍 kudos!


✨ Improved Embeds are now available!

- Inline css/js (eliminates ~4mb of assets per embed)
- Grid media now uses thumbnails instead of full size media
- Fixed profile embed height bug
- Fixed multiple embeds on same page
- More efficient backend logic, eliminating db queries in most cases

See for yourself:

#pixelfed #embed

✨ Improved Embeds are now available!

- Inline css/js (eliminates ~4mb of assets per embed)
- Grid media now uses thumbnails instead of full size media
- Fixed profile embed height bug
- Fixed multiple embeds on same page
- More efficient backend logic, eliminating db queries in most cases

See for yourself:


@pixelfed Thanks! πŸ‘ The only thing I still miss is that posts with more than one pic are shown in the embed box, too (with thumbnail of the first pic). Currently they don't appear at all in the box.


Never anticipated I would add Groups to Pixelfed. I saw how my partner uses FB Groups and it clicked.

This is exactly what we're missing in the fediverse, a means to discover and engage with interests and topics that interest you.

Hashtags and local/network timelines only do so much.

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@dansup as others have said, this sounds like a reimplementation of Lemmy. To me, one of the nice parts of the fediverse is being closer to the Unix philosophy of do one thing, do it well, and communicate with an easy/open standard so others can do complementary things.

Pixelfed is for photos. Lemmy (and the others) are for groups.


@dansup I'm sure you've done the right choice, but have you considered Mobilizion ?


Pixelfed Groups has a feature called SlowJoin mode that allows you to define fine-grained permission limits for several actions.

In addition, all group activities from users, mods and admins are logged in an easy to browse Interaction Log. Should you need to apply limits to a specific member, you can limit most actions on the member tab!

We pioneered the concept of cross group moderation in 2021, and are in the final stages of implementation.

#pixelfed #groups


Pixelfed Groups will support private or local-only groups!

In addition, we will offer many features and settings to make managing your group, moderators and users more effective and easier!

#pixelfed #groups #pixelfedGroups

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@dansup will this still focus around images, or all types of content?


@dansup I know I repeat myself, but PLEASE add filtering by account. I would love to be able to mute accounts--not even because I hate them or anything, just because they post stuff I have no interest in, that clogs my feed (e. g. hundreds of images of architecture--not my thing).

Frank Paul Silye

@dansup This is awesome and looks a bit like Flickr groups!


✨ Improved Embeds are now available!

- Inline css/js (eliminates ~4mb of assets per embed)
- Grid media now uses thumbnails instead of full size media
- Fixed profile embed height bug
- Fixed multiple embeds on same page
- More efficient backend logic, eliminating db queries in most cases

See for yourself:

#pixelfed #embed

✨ Improved Embeds are now available!

- Inline css/js (eliminates ~4mb of assets per embed)
- Grid media now uses thumbnails instead of full size media
- Fixed profile embed height bug
- Fixed multiple embeds on same page
- More efficient backend logic, eliminating db queries in most cases

See for yourself:


@pixelfed Thanks! πŸ‘ The only thing I still miss is that posts with more than one pic are shown in the embed box, too (with thumbnail of the first pic). Currently they don't appear at all in the box.


Super pumped to onboard more devs to Radar this weekend!


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