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14 posts total
Derek Powazek ๐Ÿ

I was part of the first generation to take to the web and fill it with my hopes and dreams, my stories and music, seeking connection and building community.

Watching assholes like Sam Altman treat all that collected humanity as a strip mine makes me indescribably sad.

It also makes me want to punch him in his smug fucking face.


@fraying you have my permission to punch his face



Well, Iโ€™m inspired by your whole goat-farm thing. Weโ€™re all going to have to be more intentional about how we do โ€œhuman.โ€

Derek Powazek ๐Ÿ

I don't think that changing terms solves anything, but I'd love to see Democrats start referring to asylum seekers and immigrants as "American applicants," because that sure as hell was what my grandparents were, and it might satisfy the egos of the "best country ever" types.

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@fraying โ€œSeekers of the American Dream?โ€


@fraying That's my whole thing, like, if people want to come to the US because they want to build a better life here... Let them! They help make our country better.

Derek Powazek ๐Ÿ

People who say they donโ€™t like nazis, but turn around and take money from nazis, and give money to nazis, do in fact like nazis.

Derek Powazek ๐Ÿ

If someone posts their Chanukah menorah and you respond with something anti-Israel, that's antisemitism. If you don't understand why, do some reading about how Jews are an ethnicity and Israel is a state with a government that most Jews don't even support.

If you're tempted to argue about this with me, just save yourself the trouble and block me. I don't want bigots following me, anyway.


@fraying For the people in the back, โฌ†๏ธTHIS, right here โฌ†๏ธ

Derek Powazek ๐Ÿ

So yeah. As I was saying, happy Chanukah.


@fraying happy Chanukah and very well said. ๐Ÿ•Ž

Derek Powazek ๐Ÿ

Today is my birthday and if you'd like to do something nice, please donate to to help support my trans friends who could use a few more allies right now. Thanks.

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Annalee Newitz

@fraying thinking of you and all the chickens, goats, bunnies, dogs, and other life forms booping around with you today.

Derek Powazek ๐Ÿ

So it *IS* possible to crawl up your own ass so far you come out the other side.


Derek Powazek ๐Ÿ

People use orchids as a metaphor for fragility, but theyโ€™re only fragile when theyโ€™re grown outside of their natural habitat.

When they're where they belong, interconnected to a vast network of fungi that feeds them, pollinated by insects that coevolved in mutually beneficial relationships, in a dense forest of peer species that create the perfect environment for them to thrive, theyโ€™re really very tough.

Orchids aren't a metaphor for fragility, they're a metaphor for community.

Derek Powazek ๐Ÿ

I wonder if people using mastodon know that, without section 230, no one could legally afford to run a mastodon instance in the US. Section 230 protects what we do here every day. Politicians threatening 230 are threatening free speech on the internet.

Derek Powazek ๐Ÿ

Iโ€™m not going to educate you. Fucking look it up. While you still can.



Hi Derek!

And greetings from the remote mountain regions of #Humboldt where we export the genetics for those ๐ŸŒบ flowers ๐Ÿค˜๐Ÿ’€๐Ÿค˜


I'm trying to your post in which you both misconstrued and misinformed the reader with alarmist, and generally misunderstood narrative.

Specifically, and respectfully:

>***"I wonder if people using mastodon know that, without section 230, no one could legally afford to run a mastodon instance in the US. Section 230 protects what we do here every day. Politicians threatening 230 are threatening free speech on the internet."***

Although we'll go over both sentences, the part that I really take exception to is the first one:

- "I wonder if people using mastodon know that, without section 230, no one could legally afford to run a mastodon instance in the US."

I quoted you twice for emphasis, because what you said is simply NOT TRUE, at all Derek, but who would want to run a single user mastodon server instance anyway?

Okay a select few, but it's not economical to do so - here's why:

It's such #bloatware and a #resource_hog compared to other, more capable and featureful #Fediverse servers, like #Pleroma, #Takahฤ“, #Epicyon, #Akkoma, #Calckey, #Soapbox, #Friendica, #Socialhome, #MicroblogPub, #Misskey, #Smithereen, and the list goes on and on for a while; a veritable laundry list of platforms endowed with more feature rich, more resource and energy conserving footprints.

You could call mastodon the white elephant in the room when it comes to kruft, waste of energy and resources, or lack of the most desired features by it's traditional userbase (although people are nowadays migrating their accounts to these other Fediverse platforms in ever increasing numbers).

Like you, I'm also a staunch proponent of Section 230, as it was originally intended and written - to protect publishers, NOT editors. But most of the conservative agendas to which you refer only seek to remove protections for sites that cross that line between that of #publisher to that of #editor anyway - so as long as you don't interfere with a user's #speech those deprecated silos would have nothing to worry about.

It's the Marxist/Leftist agendas in Congress that you need to worry about - they're proposing complete evisceration of section 230 - and yes, that would jeopardize, probably even put those monolithic deprecated silos out of business for good.

- I see very little that is bad about killing a rabid animal... Or a fox in the henhouse.

But... riddle me this Batman:

What would be so bad about that? It would destroy the surveillance plutocracy and data farming of individuals and their identities by those socalled, "Big-Tech" subjugation engines like #Faceplant, #InstaSPAM, #Reddit, #Twitter, and to a large degree, #Google too... (It won't do anything to stop the likes of Amazon or Apple though wrt their surveillance programs).

All if that, while at the same time encourage the migration of people to a fully decentralized and safer social media network where there are either no platforms (only censor proof protocols), as in #nostr; or #federated #SmallWeb and single user #ActivityPub platform instances; or those #Fediverse platforms that vow not to #molest_users who #publish on those platforms by imposing draconian #editorializing (censorship) upon their users.

Either way you can certainly look at this as a win-win situation for the #individual in #social_media networking. The question really is therefore, "How badly do you wish to punish the privacy disrespecting subjugation farms that comprise that deprecated, monolithic silo space?"

I hope that helps, Enjoy!





Hi Derek!

And greetings from the remote mountain regions of #Humboldt where we export the genetics for those ๐ŸŒบ flowers ๐Ÿค˜๐Ÿ’€๐Ÿค˜


I'm trying to your post in which you both misconstrued and misinformed the reader with alarmist, and generally misunderstood narrative.

Specifically, and respectfully:

Derek Powazek ๐Ÿ

WordPress being able to post via ActivityPub to Mastodon would be a big deal. And I'm happy to see Automattic get involved in this space. They're in the hosting business, so their incentives are much more aligned with the Fediverse than Meta, which is just centralized surveillance capitalism. Plus, Automattic is run by people who understand and support open source software and Meta is run by greedy, stupid assholes.

(Disclosure: I worked at WordPress on Reader.)

WordPress being able to post via ActivityPub to Mastodon would be a big deal. And I'm happy to see Automattic get involved in this space. They're in the hosting business, so their incentives are much more aligned with the Fediverse than Meta, which is just centralized surveillance capitalism. Plus, Automattic is run by people who understand and support open source software and Meta is run by greedy, stupid assholes.

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Dan Mayer

@fraying agree I would love seeing wordpress as a more corporate partner vs some of the others getting in on the momentum

Dream Wishes 3


I truly believe in Mastodon and think it's going to be the next big thing and all the corporate players are here for various reasons, good and ill, because they also believe that.

The one positive is them coming here is a self fulfilling prophecy of Mastodon's rise, because they will bring more users to the platform.

I just truly hope Mastodon's FOSS side will adapt and win out in the end. I think it CAN but I don't know that it WILL

Jack Coates ๐Ÿ€

@fraying Iโ€™d love to see it, I blog with and would like to have direct integration

Derek Powazek ๐Ÿ

Thinking thoughts about how email is a decentralized, global, publicly available messaging system, but thereโ€™s a barrier to entry because you donโ€™t know everyoneโ€™s email address, and how that small bit of friction prevents so many social problems.

Derek Powazek ๐Ÿ

The fediverse and ActivityPub are basically โ€œwhat if email but default to publicโ€ and I think that has some troubling inherent problems that the FediDudes really do not want to talk about.

Derek Powazek ๐Ÿ

There's a difference between reinforcing community norms and gatekeeping. If you don't know which one you're doing, check your tone and imagine being on the other side of it.

Derek Powazek ๐Ÿ

I was one of the first users on Flickr and Twitter and Blogger and many other social sites, and you know what they ALL had in common? People who came in and declared "The way I use this thing is the right way and anyone doing anything else is bad and wrong!" And in all cases the community evolved away from those people soon after.

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