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Derek Powazek 🐐

No, I didn't make it up. It's a real thing. A real stupid thing.

Derek Powazek 🐐

Every AI project, at its core, hates humans. Every single one.

Derek Powazek 🐐

Say what you want about the first couple generations of the web, but it treated humans and the human experience as important and valuable.

Every tech project now is like, "yeah, but what if we could do that without people?"

Paul McAleer

@fraying I mean listen, so many companies already β€œdo UX” without users that this feels like it’s just a big grift (it is)

Phi Ξ¦

@fraying is it as simple as figuring out how to make a tech work, then (typically: others) figuring out how to make a business with it ?

Like: early autos solving tractor then transport problems versus 50s onward auto industry chasing market share

Growing The Business through
little innovations around mechanism(s) that solved big old problem(s)

f4grx Sebastien (OLD ACCOUNT)

@fraying i predict that tech projects will reach a plateau of current tech used to train AIs. The "AI" generated code will feed back into its own training, producing nothing more than redundancy, without any progress. The same problem can happen with every tool using an machine trained generator.

Dark Photon Studio

@fraying alternate title: how to make tech nerds hate tech. This reminds me, I remember, maybe 29 years ago, some idiot on a tech podcast insisting that in the future, we'd all scoop out our brains and plop a computer in its place.

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