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794 posts total
Liaizon Wakest

There is a really bad privacy bug in the new “official” #mastodon #ios app. If you reply to a dm it defaults to totally public. This is honestly a really awful bug that has already resulted in mistakingly posting publicly something I meant to be private.

Liaizon Wakest

July 6th 2021 #thingaday collage with Lucia Moon

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Liaizon Wakest

Is there a version of the idiom ‘You can’t see the forest for the trees’ that’s more directly related to technology/software?

Liaizon Wakest

I just discovered this show from the 80s called “the secret life of machines” and it’s absolutely marvelous. I highly recommend anyone here go watch it. The person who made it has now uploaded many of the old episodes and added a updated addendum at the end.

Liaizon Wakest

@darius and @palomakop I especially think you two would appreciate this show

Liaizon Wakest

was reading about usenet and the history of email systems and found this usenet simulator that has a ton of weird old content from who knows when that you can explore in its original form

Liaizon Wakest

I keep almost putting the electric kettle on the stove

Liaizon Wakest

Need to figure out a system to somehow have coffee before I make coffee

Liaizon Wakest

check out if you are an person

Liaizon Wakest

a cute little tour of a #hypercard stack called Zaum Gadget my father @memexikon made the year after I was born

also the stack was uploaded here

Liaizon Wakest

Fuck so the admin of kf posted a video on YouTube urging people to join the fediverse 6 hours ago that already has 3.5k views and is getting shared a ton on Twitter. We might need to get out shit together and get ready for an influx of folks we may not like

Liaizon Wakest

Excited to see #Matrix unveil #Cerulean! I hope it puts some pressure on #ActivityPub to implement e2e...


@liaizon the hard part about e2e for social media is that there's a key you have to store reliably somewhere on the client and use to encrypt and decrypt things. Okay if the client is an app, major PITA if it's a browser. Basically you aren't doing any of it if your website isn't a single-page app.

But then people will still want privacy settings about who can view something.

Liaizon Wakest

This is some incredible netart, click through to play with it.

Liaizon Wakest

"Dendron is an open-source, local-first, markdown-based, note-taking tool built on top of VSCode."

Darius Kazemi

@liaizon This is a good lecture from the author, including the Very Angry Older Iranian archetype during the Q&A who appears at every talk on the subject. I like his book The Emergence of Iranian Nationalism, too.

Liaizon Wakest

So for anyone who wasn't following, Google pressured a bunch of #fediverse app developers to do an impossible thing and in the end they had to delete their app off the Play Store

Here is a good synopsis by @SubwayTooter

Григорий Клюшников

Oh so Google didn't backtrack on this still?!

Darius Kazemi

@liaizon I mean I'm only barely participating because I find online conferences kind of disorienting and difficult to pay attention to (I prefer the total immersion of an irl conference, though big blue button is a really impressive piece of software)

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