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792 posts total
Liaizon Wakest

I have continued to add #fediverse icons to and now have 107 fediverse projects represented. I would love for this to become more of a community resource! If you want to help please come join in at

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Liaizon Wakest

How should I add Ghost's logo as an SVG? I don't know how to vectorize this lol

Jupiter Rowland
@Liaizon Wakest Looks like the only discontinued Zot/Nomad project that's missing is short-lived Roadhouse.
Liaizon Wakest

Working on a page for my #fediverse SVG icons. Anyone want to help make this page better? My CSS and HTML abilities are lacking...

The page is live at

I have a @Codeberg repo here up here

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Liaizon Wakest

Wow so has come along way today from how it started. Thanks to @daj for contributing a totally different design and implementing it. This is actually the first time I have ever gotten a pull request before. I have submitted a few for little things but never received one!

Liaizon Wakest

Smithereen, the #fediverse's alternative to VK, has a new reports UI thats looking really slick! Awesome job @grishka!

Liaizon Wakest

The San Fransisco Aviation Museum (known as the SFO Museum / has launched a massive initiative to federate their whole archive into the #fediverse! They have gone so far as to write their own #ActivityPub software in #Go suited to their needs and open sourced it ( And have already launched thousands of automated accounts that cover different parts of their collection.

Liaizon Wakest

Thanks to @computersandblues for alerting me of this initiative!

Mike Macgirvin (dev)
Hoping maybe it will catch on with their Aussie cousins, the HARS air museum in Wollongong.
Liaizon Wakest

a fedi instance ( I help run could really use a bit more in donations if you feel like supporting a small anarcho instance with its continued existence!

we have a @Liberapay account at which is the best place to donate :ancomheart:

Liaizon Wakest

Way more interesting and healthy fediverse news is happening in the shadows and is barely getting discussed! Discourse has federation between different instances of itself and other #fediverse software such as Mastodon working!

Attached is a demo video from Angus McLeod via their announcement here:

Liaizon Wakest

Fergie Chambers (heir to Cox, one of the largest ISP and tv companies in the southern US) just donated 1/4 of a million to the @defendATLforest Solidarity Fund


Liaizon Wakest

"A leading anarchist member of Defend the Atlanta Forest wrote
that they recruit and "radicalize Liberals by providing subversive narrative w/o encouraging state solutions." Other written documents, known colloquially as "zines," promote anarchist ideas."

Liaizon Wakest

shoutout to @handle, @kawaiipunk and @squeakypancakes for moving to a new server. was scary to have it down for as long as it took and super glad to see it back up and thriving! #sunbeamcity

Liaizon Wakest

have to share this pic of @mai from their presentation at today that a friend shared in a group chat

Liaizon Wakest

Are there *any* Mastodon clients (or Mastodon API clients for other parts of the fediverse) that have first class playback of remote federated PeerTube posts?


@liaizon i just tested and you seem to be able to both find and play peertube vids in firefish/calckey? not sure about clients for Masto servers tho, could find but not play them (clicks through conveniently to home server, tho)

Liaizon Wakest

The Netherlands Institute for Sound and Vision ( has a #PeerTube instance up at that has over 7,000 public domain videos uploaded. You can also follow it @openbeelden from here and get lots of weird video content in your feed!

Blort™ 🐀Ⓥ🥷☣️

@liaizon @openbeelden

Thanks for posting that. I don't speak a word of dutch but have been watching a bunch of videos. I predict strange, strange dreams tonight.

Liaizon Wakest

"This is an excerpt of an exchange that took place between a frog and an instrument. It was recorded on the night of June 26, 2022 at Floating University."

Liaizon Wakest

anyone in #Miami or close by have a couch @lake and I could crash on for a night September 4th or 5th on the way back to New Orleans? :boost_anim_vanilla:


@liaizon @lake
I'm not, and if you're taking a sane route you won't come by my place (I'm off I-20, not I-10).
Happy trails, though!

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