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44 posts total

"Cryptocurrencies are everything people don’t know about computers combined with everything they don’t understand about money."

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JW prince of CPH

@fribbledom Just like how AI is everything people don't know about computers combined with everything they don't know about... well, anything.


@fribbledom Chatbots are everything people don't know about computers combined with everything they don't understand about communication.


"If Tetris has taught me anything, it's that errors pile up and accomplishments disappear."

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@fribbledom and loosing is unavoidable, because things get faster and faster until you fail.



I see it’s annual review time at your employer too.


@fribbledom It's supposed to be a test on if you're going to be a good warehouse worker or not.


Gmail classifying Google's own mails as spam πŸ˜†


Google Analytics: hard
Machine Learning: average
UI/UX: easy


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Jay States

@fribbledom who the hell makes this stuff up?! 🀣


@fribbledom Sure, it's hard to inline a `<script>`

Dream of Omnimaga

@fribbledom Social media marketing is definitively nowhere remotely close to easy, especially if you have social anxiety and need regular breaks from social interaction.


Unpopular opinion?

PS4 & Xbox One and their de-facto always-online requirement heralded the end of good video games.

All we get now are broken releases which require multiple patches to fix them and crappy micro-transactions.


@fribbledom Unpopular? This has been the biggest criticism since day one, and it's proven itself right.


The most common piece of furniture in the world, the Monobloc chair.

A masterpiece and a disease.


So it's official, it seems:

Musk is now the new owner of Twitter and immediately fires a bunch of executives.

In slightly related news: Welcome to the Fediverse, everyone who made it here in recent hours!

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Waitman Gobble
I'm sure he's going to push hard for section 230 reform so he will be responsible for his user's content. He said he is going to make Twitter open source so that all of his users will play by the same rules.

@fribbledom thx for the welcome!(still a bit overwhelmed by choices) musk is exactly the ... person I always thought he was, nauseating creep.


Peer-to-peer file transfers in your browser. Painless file sharing, without installing any torrent clients πŸ’ž

Opensource, made by @midzer


If you dual boot Linux and Windows on your machine, be careful with the most recent Window updates!

Microsoft disabled more than 100 SecureBoot signatures and locks out distros like Ubuntu 20.04 or Manjaro from booting on your computer.

You can temporarily disable SecureBoot in your BIOS settings, should you already be affected by this situation.

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@fribbledom tbh thats why i gave up on dualboot. All my pcs are running only linux now :laughing_cirno:
keschi / cache :blobCat_in_box:

@fribbledom the Windows updates shouldn't change anything about this on an existing machine – the keys for this are hardcoded.

However, one should be wary of new hardware or firmware updates no longer having the keys hardcoded.


I faintly remember a time when companies tried to succeed by developing outstanding products that conquer the market by merit.

These days development seems almost irrelevant, everything is optimized to extract the most cash from the cheapest, often white-labelled, products.

And on the consumer side? When did we go from "best value for money" to "cheapest whatever it takes".

With the advent of the internet? Social media? Amazon? I really can't tell anymore πŸ€”

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Resting Facebitch

@fribbledom Probably because if it's gunna be crap anyway what's the point in spending more?

Vicious cycle.


@fribbledom and what's worse is if the product is defective, chances are you can't refund or exchange because it's no longer available for special order so you have to live with it.


@fribbledom cheapest*
* until you achieve some degree of monopoly, in which case you will start selling garbage at a massive price. (yes, I'm looking at you AutodeskπŸ˜‰)

manuelcaeiro β˜•

@fribbledom @YlBi
In 1979 Video Killed the Radio Star

In 2022 Rust Killed the Golang Star.

πŸ˜‰ πŸ˜€ πŸ˜†


We released gum yesterday, which lets you enhance your shell scripts with a user-friendly TUI, complete with dialogs, prompts, lists, and selections.

if you're into scripting or crafting immensely powerful shell one-liners, you should honestly check out the README, there are a ton of amazing examples:


GitHub starts charging $10/month for Copilot:


"It will also be free to use for verified students and maintainers of popular open source projects."


Dentist: "Do you floss daily?"
Me: "Do you backup your data daily?"

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My new laptop reminds me to backup to the cloud every day. Cool huh? Would hate to lose any of my game data, lol

Luis Lasbelin ✨

@fribbledom Me: do you use different passwords for every account?


Most AIs seem to combine a whole lot of "A" with very little "I".


It's simply unbelievable just *how* bad Nvidia's Linux support is 🀦

Replaced a GTX 1060 with the cheapest and (on paper) less capable AMD card I managed to get, and it's just staggering how smooth and glitch-free everything feels now.

- Desktop: renders at roughly four times the fps
- Suspend/resume issues: gone
- Rendering glitches: disappeared
- DisplayPort on boot-up: works now
- FreeSync at 120hz: yup
- Linux console: properly scaled fonts

It's like I upgraded from a 10 year old machine πŸ˜‚

It's simply unbelievable just *how* bad Nvidia's Linux support is 🀦

Replaced a GTX 1060 with the cheapest and (on paper) less capable AMD card I managed to get, and it's just staggering how smooth and glitch-free everything feels now.

- Desktop: renders at roughly four times the fps
- Suspend/resume issues: gone
- Rendering glitches: disappeared
- DisplayPort on boot-up: works now
- FreeSync at 120hz: yup
- Linux console: properly scaled fonts


Group C, Match 6 of the 4th Programming Language World Championships!

Anonymous poll


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Voting ended 26 Feb 2022 at 5:26.
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