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Google Analytics: hard
Machine Learning: average
UI/UX: easy


Professor Loki

@fribbledom Lmfao google analytics being hard is like saying Jello is hard.

The Jesting Ronin

@fribbledom I'm doing a spit take at web development (easy)


@fribbledom The hard ones are the ones they are selling as a course.

Shy bunny

@fribbledom That's an interesting look into some parallel dimension.


@fribbledom each time I see something from this profile it's so ridiculous that I can't thing about it any different as troll profile.

Son of a Sailor

@fribbledom Web development? Sure, it's a piece of cake! 🤣

Jay States

@fribbledom who the hell makes this stuff up?! 🤣


@fribbledom Sure, it's hard to inline a `<script>`

Dream of Omnimaga

@fribbledom Social media marketing is definitively nowhere remotely close to easy, especially if you have social anxiety and need regular breaks from social interaction.

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