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If you dual boot Linux and Windows on your machine, be careful with the most recent Window updates!

Microsoft disabled more than 100 SecureBoot signatures and locks out distros like Ubuntu 20.04 or Manjaro from booting on your computer.

You can temporarily disable SecureBoot in your BIOS settings, should you already be affected by this situation.

‏lol‏ ‏fedifriend (cat aspect)

@fribbledom Yeah, that's what happens when you agree to make Microsoft the gatekeeper to your computer...


@fribbledom I so don't regret, that my windows install now resides on my backup server as a compressed disk image...

Devil in the details 😈

@fribbledom That confirms that my old mantra regarding Windows: There’s a place for Windows - only in a virtual machine in a segregated network!

leah & asm & forth, oh my!

@DiabolusAlbus @fribbledom oddly enough that seems to also be where Microsoft sees Linux's place

Steinar Bang

@fribbledom I knew it was a good idea to scrub windows completely!

Actually I didn't know... on previous laptops I almost never rebooted into windows anyway, so I just didn't want to waste the disk space this time around.

Also, scrubbing windows would save me having to mess about with having to preserve and resize the windows partition(s)

Sheogorath 🦊

@fribbledom To be fair, this is nothing Microsoft specific, some (Enterprise) Distros will start to ship these as well. These should be the official upstream lists from:

It's mainly an oversight of these distros to not get newer signatures. (Unless you point out, that Microsoft denies these to them or didn't respond in time, which is not completely unexpected.)

@fribbledom tbh thats why i gave up on dualboot. All my pcs are running only linux now :laughing_cirno:
keschi / cache :blobCat_in_box:

@fribbledom the Windows updates shouldn't change anything about this on an existing machine – the keys for this are hardcoded.

However, one should be wary of new hardware or firmware updates no longer having the keys hardcoded.

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