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We released gum yesterday, which lets you enhance your shell scripts with a user-friendly TUI, complete with dialogs, prompts, lists, and selections.

if you're into scripting or crafting immensely powerful shell one-liners, you should honestly check out the README, there are a ton of amazing examples:



gum itself is merely a terminal/cli app and as such it's as good as the terminal it's being run in.

Luci for dyeing

@fribbledom tuis tend to cause problems with screen readers regardless of which terminal theyโ€™re in



That's sad to hear, but something that needs to be fixed in the terminal software itself.

On the bright side, you can disable styling & colors in gum's output. I would suggest setting your TERM and COLORTERM env vars accordingly and it should behave correctly.

Luci for dyeing

@fribbledom it literally cannot be fixed in the terminal software. itโ€™s like when screen readers try to read out blocks of emoji or ascii art. you canโ€™t expect them to guess what your ascii art represents.

Luci for dyeing

@fribbledom but the particular problem tui causes is that they redraw whatโ€™s already on the screens and screen reader software doesnโ€™t pick up on redraws.

to make it accessible i recommend testing with actual screen reader software and consider a mode that does repl interaction, with plain english descriptions instead of ascii art.

Boing Bitch :commodore_amiga:

@fribbledom *ponders the text adventures that could be created with this* :thinkhappy:

hazelnot :yell:

@Jo @fribbledom Damn now I wanna make a text adventure with this :eyethink: do I do that

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