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327 posts total
Ilya Zverev

So now that we see how AI fails to accomplish anything you throw at it, unless the task is "do an AI thing with no consequences", you might understand why the @openstreetmap community has always felt negative towards bulk-importing AI-detected roads and buildings and stuff onto their hand-crafted map.


@zverik @openstreetmap To be fair the vocal OpenStreetMap community feels negative about pretty much anything 😛

The Rapid editor and folks around it seem to benefit from AI assisted mapping, so I wouldn't say it's binary good / bad; it's more complex and nuanced as most of the time.

I also can't see much of an overlap between the current LLM hype and the previous efforts in geo to build machine learning tools and workflows.

Disclaimer: I have built such workflows before.

Ilya Zverev

So when I learned about @hotosm "fAIr" AI-assisted mapping service, I was like, uh-oh. We all know now that AI takes too much resources, is an environmental threat, and is never profitable. Apart from also being wrong. That a humanitarian org turns its employees and hardware to replicate things Microsoft and Meta failed to do... Well, won't end good.

(On the other hand, their FMTM is shaping up to be better than I expected.)

Ilya Zverev

2020: Microsoft sets goal to be carbon negative by end of the decade.

2023: Microsoft's emissions are 30% higher than in 2020.

Main cause? The relentless push to meet AI demand, which requires new data centers built out of carbon-intensive steel, cement, chips.

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Michał Górny

@akshatrathi, but they need that AI money to buy carbon offsets!

P J Evans

And that demand isn't driven by users, but by other companies that see it as a marketing boost.

Xavier Lowmiller

@akshatrathi what AI “demand”? I didn’t demand any of this, leave me alone with your 8 copilots -.-

Ilya Zverev

Imagine tapping a link and seeing Every Door turned into a specialized tree collecting app, with taxonomy and rendering and presets.

Imagine scanning a QR code for a task in FMTM and your ED app shows the task boundaries, limits presets to features you need to collect, and shows a short manual on the process.

Imagine overlaying a mall plan before going in for indoor mapping.

Imagine surveying features to your own PostGIS server.

That is the future of Every Door.

Imagine tapping a link and seeing Every Door turned into a specialized tree collecting app, with taxonomy and rendering and presets.

Imagine scanning a QR code for a task in FMTM and your ED app shows the task boundaries, limits presets to features you need to collect, and shows a short manual on the process.

Ilya Zverev

Last Sunday Latvian OSM community (in the massive numbers of two for this event :) ) created streetview images for the Ķīpsala (literally - bale island) region of Riga.

Do you like some remote mapping for relaxation? These fresh images could allow to add a lot of detail.

#OpenStreetMap #Mapillary

Ilya Zverev

@richlv I had a plan to make a video explaining how to pretend you're surveying with Every Door while actually looking at Mapillary at home. Maybe somebody else could record this :)

Ilya Zverev

FYI, Cheap electric cars from China won't solve anything.
More cars, won't solve anything.
Electric cars are still cars.
Autonomous cars are still cars.
Cars won't solve anything, no matter what some rich fuck told the other rich fuck.

Ilya Zverev

sharing the two links i mentioned during the game engine panel…
they r invaluable resources & if i’d choose just two resources for where to find alternative tools, these would be it…
the game engine database:
tiny tools directory:

Ilya Zverev

Booked flights for @sotm in Kenya and @sotmeu in Poland — looking forward to meeting everybody!

Ilya Zverev

Also, when I gave Cory an elevator pitch of what's going with @openstreetmap foundation rn, he said it was pretty common for organizations like ours. So maybe we should consult with @eff for options.

Ilya Zverev

Almost finished "The Lost Cause" by @pluralistic . Very inspiring — not that I agree with everything, but still, too many good ideas.

One of the actors there are a Maga group that opposes settling refugees, calling them "freeloaders and losers and whiners". Which sounds ironic because in the book, those Magas are all those things, not working, but hindering builders.

People can't help telling on themselves if you just listen.

Which made me think... I'm blaming OSMF for things I'm guilty of.

Ilya Zverev

I want and should support mappers — by listening to them more, by hosting awards, by organizing events. But I don't.

I should grow and connect local OSM groups, estonian and russian, but I left that to others who don't do a good job at that.

I should take my finances and business relations under control, but just don't have the willpower atm.

After all, I could re-join all the working groups and help, but instead I whine from the sidelines.

I don't think it helps anyone.

Ilya Zverev

Had a lady in her 70s say to me something along the lines of "Could you sit down with me one day and explain that Open Map to me, how does it work, how does on access it?" today. She means #openstreetmap , of course. There is hope yet.

Ilya Zverev

@zverik it is a tough one, yes there are some legitimate uses of bulk downloading, but most of the tiles are never viewed. If we accept bulk downloading it will have an negative impact on others seeing fresh tiles, which is a particular concern during vandalism. We should make a clearer metric for the served fresh:stale ratio. EU week daytime hours have a very poor ratio. With some development effort the tile service could have a way to be told the request is bulk, changing render/caching logic.

Ilya Zverev

I'm a "full stack developer", in that my stack is full and if you try to push any more tasks on me I'm gonna overflow it and start corrupting my own memory

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Rob Carlson

@foone Mine's a LIFO stack and unfortunately you made your feature request back in February, so it might be a while


@foone Me with a tiny stack that overflows if I so much as try any task beyond my comfort zone

Chris Turnbow


If you overpush to my stack, I'm liable to pop, for sure...

Ilya Zverev

📢 The end of Early Bird tickets' sale has surpassed all our expectations and the main conference tickets are almost sold out! Please hurry if you want to grab them!

📌 If we run out of tickets then this doesn't mean you've totally lost your opportunity to join the conference! We'll certainly keep you updated about available tickets that might pop up if some people cancel.

Link to the shop:

Ilya Zverev

Everything You Wanted to Know About Vector Tiles (But Were Afraid to Ask) 🗾✨

I collected my thoughts on vector maps and vector tiles after having spent some time reading the mvt spec for the first time 🦧💡

Happy year of #OpenStreetMap vector maps! 🎉

#Mapstodon #Maplibre #Protomaps

Ilya Zverev

@richlv @zverik i think a "strong OSMF" means two things:

* there is still a ton of interest from organizations of all sizes looking to interface with OSM as consumers and mappers. They want someone to talk to, and OSMF should provide that. Maybe an "executive director" or "biz dev" type person. This is the void that Overture is starting to fill.

* support for mappers. Set up/seek partnerships for imagery, importable data, tools

* bonus third thing: raise money to dump into these things.

Ilya Zverev

So rn OSMF has a) no power, b) no money. They look like they do, but trust me on this. I argue for more power and more money, which some people in the community oppose. Because "support, not control" was there from the start, for a chance that some large corporation will influence OSMF for its nefarious goals.

And indeed, most funding would come from big corps. It's inevitable.

Yesterday @pluralistic outlined how exactly this anti-community steering happened to @w3c :

Ilya Zverev

But if you think that's the reason for not going corporate, consider that right now the controlling already happens — corps keep thousands of mappers on a payroll, publish editors like Rapid and surveying tools like Mapillary, upload ML-detected roads and buildings and steer the community into thinking those kids of imports are okay.

Powerful OSMF would keep that influence at bay, not amplify it. Well, I wish :)

Amᵃᵖanda | OSM Witch 🧙🏻‍♀️

@zverik I'm not sure how you can get money and be able to control the companies... Surely corporations would be the main income source. If you then throw your weight around, they won't want to give you money...

Ilya Zverev

📢Don't miss out on early bird tickets - only 3 days left!

Our program is fully published, so be sure to check it out - there's something for everyone!🙌


Ilya Zverev

I find wikipedia insufferable. Start a stub article about a US$258+ million under construction dam project and it gets subsequently removed as "not notable". #AfricanFootnote #Wikipedia #Lesotho


@Firefishy It’s not been deleted. It’s there at the exact page you linked to.


@Firefishy I just expanded your stub and clarified the issue regarding notability.

Now everything is okay.

Ilya Zverev

Every Door 5.0 is released, exactly half a year after the last one!

Currently available on Google Play and Github. Upgrade now!

F-Droid and AppStore will come a bit later: need to fix a thing, and figure out how to build and upload iOS apps from Linux.

Ian Wagner 🦀 :freebsd: :osm:

@everydoor nice! Unfortunately I’m not sure the build iOS thing is possible on Linux :/ gotta have Xcode or use some cloud based build service.

Ilya Zverev

I put Breakout (aka Brick Breaker) inside Google Calendar! It lets you decline any meetings you shatter.

blog info + chrome extension link in thread!

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