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Carina C. Zona (is in Berlin)

Drastic budget cuts for FOSS, by the EU, and the explanation given is that "because lots of budget are allocated to AI, there is not much left for Internet infrastructure". So here is one more way that the fever over "AI" bullshit does real harm. Infra projects that protect security, privacy, and other vital needs will be underfunded so that more money can be thrown into the "AI" black hole. Sigh.

@cczona @ShadowJonathan Why not void the budget for the scam projects instead?

So we put all the money into the jockey and there's nothing left for the horse. Let's see how the jockey gets there.

Carina C. Zona (is in Berlin)

@exi I'd love to know who the heck looked at the word "infrastructure" and said to themselves "well that's clearly disposable". Why not also get rid of funding for public transit, power plants, telecom satellites, and pothole repairs while they're at it. Cuz who needs working infra! 🤦


@cczona @exi It's my experience that those things already aren't getting any money.

Marcel_Gehlen (he/him)

@cczona @exi aren’t they doing exactly that since a very long time? Deutscha Bahn has been defunded until close to death.

Peter H. Fröhlich

@cczona @exi This has a ring of "business as usual" when it comes to so-called democracies at this late stage in human history. Why indeed invest in the stuff that will be useless in just a few decades? Better invest in bunkers for the few. 🤷

🌻 Defederate Threads 🌻

@exi @cczona The horse has been chasing its own tail, it seems.

The answer to Internet risks always seems to be "more Internet" with some new security-in-depth acronyms tacked on.


@cczona eh idk. The Blockchain hype was *great* for a few digitalisation efforts. You don't get budget for "hey we need to develop a database backend and slightly reegineer this process." You *did* get budget for "we need to put this process on the Blockchain" and then during the project (but after the end of the planning cycle) "realize" that you need a database and not a Blockchain.

Most AI systems build on layers of FOSS, so someone good at talking needs to put on a turtleneck.


“AI projects build on FOSS” Okay, ask any major FOSS author how much money they make when *multiple* *trillion* dollar companies build products on top of their software.

Given that large swaths of “AI” projects solely exist for rights laundering so they don't even have to comply with things like attributing the original author of the software they're using, I find it doubtful that the money that was basically non-existent before will magically start flowing


“AI projects build on FOSS” Okay, ask any major FOSS author how much money they make when *multiple* *trillion* dollar companies build products on top of their software.

Given that large swaths of “AI” projects solely exist for rights laundering so they don't even have to comply with things like attributing the original author of the software they're using, I find it doubtful that the money that was basically non-existent before will magically start flowing


@nytpu @cczona 0, I know that. But OP was talking about EU budget getting shifted from FOSS to AI. What I was (not entirely serious) saying is that rather than asking money to do X, one probably need to ask for money to do "AI thing A, which incidentally involves X".

It's stupid and inefficient, but it works surprisingly often.


@andrei_chiffa @cczona @vladimir_lu
Un clair choix de société de la part de l'UE.
Ils n'ont même pas essayé l'intelligence naturelle avant.


@cczona Piggybacking onto this: the European FOSS community is really bad at asking for money. Donating to the vast majority of useful FOSS projects/developers is only possible through US charities/corporations.

I would love to see a European Free Software Foundation that makes it easy to donate to FOSS development (either charitably & tax-deductible for individuals, or invoiced as sponsoring or whatever for business). That might just persuade the EU to throw some money at it as well.

Sebastian Lasse

@elricofmelnibone @cczona

I doubt that it is a task for the less interested but for all.
Our taxes go to secure Autobahn traffic to burn fossil fuels, how about digital traffic?

10% of the national tax budget for digital would do the trick for OpenSource funding.


@cczona It doesn't look like an easy way out here for the EU if you think about the incentives at play.

There are already no big cloud providers in the EU so that ship has sailed and every European tech company/startup pays the price. There's also no way of catching up to the big players in terms of cloud anymore.

Now with AI they're probably fearing for the same to happen in case it will be the next big thing and that's why they want the EU to be part of it early on.

It's complicated.


@djh @cczona EU-based cloud providers may not be as big as the US ones but they do exist and nothing prevents European companies from using their services.

Martin Hamilton

@cczona Luckily the :ms_sparkles: AI magic :ms_sparkles: doesn't depend on that boring old Internet infrastructure! Ah, wait...


@cczona I wonder where does all the "AI" budget really goes.

Tj H

@cczona aww fr? I know "AI" (god i hate that term) is the "next big thing" but how r ppl buying into it **this** much? how ppl think "AI" gonna work if there's not enough secure and stable basic infrastructure?


@cczona That’s just sad. The reasoning is probably fear that the EU will be left behind in the AI race. FOMO, in political terms.

The EU has already shown itself lacking an understanding of the digital world and its workings, considering recent developments, such as Chat Control and the call for encryption back doors. The situation is probably only going to get worse considering the political climate in Europe right now.

Everyone responsible seems to have tunnel vision, only being able to focus on one thing at the cost of everything else, such as internet infrastructure security and the respect for the privacy of both its citizens and companies.

Has open source fallen out of favor with recent reports of backdoor attempts and supply chain issues with most package management systems such as npm, pypi etc?

If so they are completely missing the point that most commercial closed source projects are built upon the same package management systems and suffer from the same supply chain issues, only it’s much harder to vet closed source software because of its nature.

#foss #chatcontrol #eu

@cczona That’s just sad. The reasoning is probably fear that the EU will be left behind in the AI race. FOMO, in political terms.

The EU has already shown itself lacking an understanding of the digital world and its workings, considering recent developments, such as Chat Control and the call for encryption back doors. The situation is probably only going to get worse considering the political climate in Europe right now.


@cczona Funny how this happens and then _the day after_ it's made absolutely clear why we should dismantle the Microsoft monopoly.

Albert Cardona


If the #CloudStrike incident doesn't clue in legislators that monocultures of proprietary software are a geopolitical liability, what else will?

Open source software is not only well aligned with the #RightToRepair ethos and is customisable. It's also part of a strategy that factors in diversity as a strength.

Jessica's new Main they're throwing stones in a glass treehouse. The bottom is gonna collapse under them and fuck them up.

Perivi Yohanesburgo 🍐

@cczona Wonder if they will reconsider after what happened today.

Jigme Datse

@cczona Then stop spending on AI? I don't know... I'm not entirely convinced that ALL AI is bad... But the stuff that looks good, is rare, and I still question how much good it really is (ie. is it really doing something that couldn't have been brought about without the use of that level of resources?)


@cczona eu 'leadership' is as dumb as whatever passes for AI...



Don't worry, the AI bubble's gonna pop soon due to AI companies literally running out of data to feed into their neural networks, and hopefully the hype will go away.

Leah Rowe is not a Rowebot

@cczona A very wise man once said: the nine most terrifying words in the english language are I'm from the government and I'm here to help.

This rings especially true in the history of governments trying to "help" free software. They get swallowed up by big money and stop listening to real developers.

What needs to happen is for them to stop propping up *any* big technology, freedom-respecting or not.

Government's only function is to protect private property, and prevent abuses by monopolies.

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