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Carina C. Zona (is in Berlin)

Drastic budget cuts for FOSS, by the EU, and the explanation given is that "because lots of budget are allocated to AI, there is not much left for Internet infrastructure". So here is one more way that the fever over "AI" bullshit does real harm. Infra projects that protect security, privacy, and other vital needs will be underfunded so that more money can be thrown into the "AI" black hole. Sigh.

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@cczona eu 'leadership' is as dumb as whatever passes for AI...



Don't worry, the AI bubble's gonna pop soon due to AI companies literally running out of data to feed into their neural networks, and hopefully the hype will go away.

Leah Rowe is not a Rowebot

@cczona A very wise man once said: the nine most terrifying words in the english language are I'm from the government and I'm here to help.

This rings especially true in the history of governments trying to "help" free software. They get swallowed up by big money and stop listening to real developers.

What needs to happen is for them to stop propping up *any* big technology, freedom-respecting or not.

Government's only function is to protect private property, and prevent abuses by monopolies.

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