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Ilya Zverev

So, the news is, HOT is now an Overture Maps contributor member (neither are on Mastodon).

That means paying half of what HOT pays OSMF for membership, and having an option to help Overture with stuff. So basically the same as in OSMF.

Idk why people take it as a betrayal. HOT was never an OSM organization, they share nothing with OSMF besides the map. And getting in the Overture team might help them with the network.

Ian Wagner 🦀 :freebsd: :osm:

@zverik heh I guess I’m blissfully ignorant of the latest drama ;) Either way, I see no problem with them joining. Both orgs have good reasons to exist.


@zverik Agree, let's see how it develops and let's not react with gut reactions here.

I believe the negative connotation folks have with Overture Maps transfers to this, too.

But to be fair looking at the announcement HOT put out there, they could have communicated better to guide people through their thought process and get buy-in (for lack of a better word).



Even the map needs a lot of cleaning up after HOT's had a go at it.

Ilya Zverev

Bosca Ceoil, the stupidly simple music creation app is back... and now it's written using #GodotEngine.

Meet Bosca Ceoil - The Blue Album.

#gamedev #indiedev

Jesus :amiga:

@GameFromScratch Finally someone did it. I believe remaking Bosca Ceoil was a botched project for so many of us indie devs.

Ilya Zverev

There is a new feature on now you can see the date of the last edit by a user directly from the profile page.

Ilya Zverev

Another case of worldwide vandalism today. It has already been reverted.

Please remember that OSM tiles are cached. After such worldwide changes, the tile servers are overloaded and refreshing the tiles may take several hours. Lots of people will see an outdated image of OSM data for a few more hours.


@bxl_forever it's funny cause it's true

(And no amount of pinned forum posts will ever fix this because "my problem is special" 😄)


@bxl_forever Yeah, I noticed it myself while I was explaining OSM to a member of the public.


@bxl_forever It's not 50 hours - it's nearer 150! Looking at the last incident, we were still getting people creating tickets around 6 days after the problems had been fixed in the data (but not in that user's browser cache, of course).

Ilya Zverev

The reason VCs don’t fund women: they make a choice not to fund women.

It is truly that fucking simple.

We run the same panels every year talking about this like it’s a complicated problem.

“Maybe it’s

-Social standards
-Lack of daycare infrastructure

Nope. The truth is ugly.

VCs make a choice, over and over and over again to give another million bucks to another 4 dudes with another productivity startup and then blame anything except their own decisions.

The reason VCs don’t fund women: they make a choice not to fund women.

It is truly that fucking simple.

We run the same panels every year talking about this like it’s a complicated problem.

“Maybe it’s

-Social standards
-Lack of daycare infrastructure

Nope. The truth is ugly.



In my experience VC bros are not very versatile socially, even professional social.

So they gravitate toward men like themselves - privileged, predatory, and emotionally challenged.

We're not going to teach them anything, we need to replace them.


@Daojoan Exactly. Same with Black people. It’s not us, it’s them.

Ilya Zverev

the coding habit I'd most like to kick is being reluctant to try a thing and see if it works. I think experience is slowing me down, too often it has worked initially but then that working has turned out to be conditional on other factors I did not apprehend at the time. But also many times the quickest way to understand a system is to actually make it go, not just peer at the circumstantial evidence.

Ilya Zverev

A few words and links on OAuth 2, @openstreetmap, Level0, open source ecosystem, @opencage and supporting developers:

Ilya Zverev

As of June 9th, the @EuropeanUnion's #OpenData Directive mandates all public high-value datasets be published free of charge and with open licenses, like those from #CreativeCommons. We are providing #climatedata providers no-cost consulting and training for agencies working to meet this goal under our Open Climate Data Project.


Jo Walsh

@jarkman "The problem with this kind of thinking, as it was with the first Industrial Revolution, is that this treats people as obstacles to be cleared away." - that's a big chord

Graham K

@jarkman Hmmm. To paraphrase an old saw: Humans are just Technology’s way of making more Technology? 😢

Ilya Zverev

I just noticed that renders the names of objects in EN *and* local language. For rivers, hills, and mountain ranges, this usually means just one or two names, but for seas, it can be more. Nice. #osm

Marián Kyral

Yeah, that sucks on default render.

Amᵃᵖanda | OSM Witch 🧙🏻‍♀️

@mirek oh clever way to handle big seas like the Black Sea!

I like how the German OSM community has made a map style that does that too, incl. transliterating non-latin letters

Ilya Zverev

It's here! The preliminary conference schedule for SotM Eu 2024 is available, and the tickets can be bought STARTING NOW. Check them out, and see you in Łódź!

#SOTMEU #SOTMEU2024 #StateoftheMapEurope #OSM #OpenStreetMap


Does the ticket shop have an English locale?

Ilya Zverev

@sotmeu Does the ticketing website produce invoices for a company? Like when I'm paying from a company card, not from my own one, and need an invoice for taxes.

Ilya Zverev

OSMCha celebrates ten years with a move to OSM-US, ensuring sustainable development & modern infrastructure.

A community effort that was not possible without the support of OpenStreetMap US , Mapbox , Meta & AWS.



@v shout out to my dude Jan van Kessel the Elder for getting two pieces in here

Ilya Zverev

@grimalkina “the social safety net was replaced with a bed of spikes so you’d better work even if you can’t” was my first introduction to burnout, conceptually

so it’s yet another one of those reflections of the system turned into a conveniently individualizable condition

Ilya Zverev

What's some of your favourite photos or images of #OpenStreetMap from the last 20 years? 🙂🤔📸

Help the OSM CWG collect images for the OSM's 20th Birthday party. 🙂🙂

suggest your favorites on the OSM forum: 💬

NB: Interesting, CC licenced, images can be uploaded to the OSM wiki: 📝 <>!
#OpenStreetMap #OSM

Ilya Zverev

Another beautiful example of Irish house numbering. When I got to no. 26, I had to laugh out loud.
#mapping #OpenStreetMap #Callan

Ilya Zverev

@zverik Continued support of OAuth1a was a heavy burden on the code maintainers. The code was poorly understood and had issues with continued upstream library support. OAuth1 (not 1a) is known insecure. codebase has been rapidly improving in 2024, some tough choices needed to be made.

Ilya Zverev

@osm_tech Sure, I understand that and support your decisions. That tweet wasn't an attack, just a heads-up :) Migration is going relatively fine rn, maybe by mid-June the new Level0 will be up.

Ilya Zverev

I know a horrifyingly vast number of people in education circles who are all-in, gung-ho about AI.

How do you teach environmental studies while you are supporting catastrophic waste of water & active global warming?

How do you teach kids that plagiarism is wrong when you are promoting plagiarism?

How do you teach kids that consent is important when you are promoting the wholesale non-consensual unpaid theft of original creators' works?


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unixjunk1e 🌵

@ShaulaEvans @edutooters let them use AI but only if they have their own LLM with their own public GitHub or bitbucket git repo. If they figure all that out give them an A

Benjamin Kwiecień 🇵🇸

@ShaulaEvans I guess people like AI because they don't understand it. I mean, maybe understanding it wouldn't necessarily lead to hating it, but I think it would be impossible to love it when you know what it really is. People who love it are fantasizing.

Of course, I use it sometimes myself, but rarely. I found it to be of limited utility. I've used it to generate sample texts whose content doesn't really matter.

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