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Alan McConchie

Last week I wrote a blog post for @stamen about the history of Null Island, the imaginary place where 0º latitude and 0º longitude meet. It has now come to my attention that the NOAA weather station moored at that spot, nicknamed by geographers as the "Null Island Buoy", apparently no longer exists!

Check out the update at the end of my blog post for more details of the buoy's untimely demise. Thanks to @ajnn for the tip!

#NullIsland #NullIslandBuoy

A drawing of the "Null Island Buoy" on a tombstone floating in the ocean. The text on the tombstone says "R. I. P. Null Island Buoy 1998-2021"
Keith Jenkins

@alan @stamen @ajnn and here's the 1958 Colonel Bleep episode that mentions the "Zero Zero" island:

screenshot of 1958 Colonel Bleep episode "The Uncharted Island", showing a map with a marker at zero latitude and zero longitude

@alan @stamen @ajnn you reminded me of this #nullisland bug I found in some cycling mapping software (it's fixed now)

that's a straight segment of suburban highway running from Victoria, Australia to Null Island, via Kangaroo Island, Western Australia, the Indian Ocean, Madagascar and Africa. No wonder the traffic is so bad 🙂

Stephen Mather

@alan @stamen @ajnn Great write up. And I'll confess, this is the first time I've been sad at the retirement of a buoy.

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