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Interesting. According to Brent Spiner (the actor who plays the android Data in Star Trek: The Next Generation)

1) it was Patrick Stewart's UK pronunciation of his character's name (day-tah instead of the US's dah-tah) that made this pronunciation canon, and

2) the character of Data and the popularity of Star Trek has led to "day-tah" now being the common pronunciation in the US, too. (π min)

#StarTrek #StarTrekTNG #TNG #data #pronunciation #English #EnglishLanguage

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@scy US pronunciation would be day-dah, right?

CM Harrington

@scy @swizzlevixen I prefer to give that nod to Ke Huy Quan in Goonies. ;-)


@scy love the episode where he corrects the mispronounciation of his name.


Did you know that #XScreenSaver (yes, the collection of screensavers for X11) is available on Android?

And that #Google requires it to have a privacy policy in order to be available in the Play Store?

And that the maintainer chose to crowd-source a privacy policy where every item starts with "Unlike Google"?

It's become a great list of all the privacy violations Google did and still does. And I thought that it's gonna be long, but it's even longer than I imagined.

Did you know that #XScreenSaver (yes, the collection of screensavers for X11) is available on Android?

And that #Google requires it to have a privacy policy in order to be available in the Play Store?

And that the maintainer chose to crowd-source a privacy policy where every item starts with "Unlike Google"?

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Henning Paul DC4HP

@scy But will it (unlike Google) never give you up, let you down or run around and desert you?


when you find a loaf on the street at 0:14 in the night

#cat #cats #catcontent


Eek. Apparently liblzma (part of the xz package) has a backdoor in versions 5.6.0 and 5.6.1, causing SSH to be compromised.

This might even have been done on purpose by the upstream devs.

Developing story, please take with a grain of salt.

The 5.6 versions are somewhat recent, depending on how bleeding edge your distro is you might not be affected.

#liblzma #xz #lzma #backdoor #ITsecurity #OpenSSH #SSH


Red Hat released an urgent security alert for Fedora 41 and Rawhide users:


> Although Fedora 40 beta contained the 5.6 version of xz in an update, the build environment prevents the injection from correctly occurring, and has not been shown to be compromised. Fedora 40 has now reverted to the 5.4.x versions of xz.

#RedHat #Fedora #FedoraRawhide #Fedora41

Red Hat released an urgent security alert for Fedora 41 and Rawhide users:


> Although Fedora 40 beta contained the 5.6 version of xz in an update, the build environment prevents the injection from correctly occurring, and has not been shown to be compromised. Fedora 40 has now reverted to the 5.4.x versions of xz.


Today I finally sat down to learn how #FIDO #U2F keys support an "unlimited" number of websites on a single token, without compromising privacy, and without running out of memory on the token.

Reusing the same public/private keypair would allow websites to track tokens. So, the token generates a new keypair on each registration. But where is it stored?

With the website! The token encrypts the private key with a token-specific secret and receives it back from the website on each login request.


Check out for details on how this whole process works.

U2F is built in a rather flexible way, so there's also the possibility for the token to have onboard storage and keep its private keys to itself, however it doesn't have "unlimited" storage anymore in that case.


@scy the most current implementation would be fido2 non-discoverable keys. And you should have come to my cccamp talk so you would have known in summer already :-)

I'll go over it in a fresh version at gpn22 I think


A few days ago, my groovebox, the #SynthstromDeluge, running the new and awesome community-built firmware, crashed, which was very cool.

Not that it crashed, but what happened next: It displayed a colorful pattern on its pads.

That's a stack trace. It's listing the last steps the code made before crashing. The devs have asked to be sent photos of these, to help them find bugs.

I've pasted it on Discord, and there's a _bot_ that recognizes these images and decodes them into addresses!

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Jigme Datse

@scy I was looking at that and thinking... "That's a really interesting beat" but only just saw that you said it's a stack trace. Which really is amazing way to handle it. Crashing isn't fun, but having a crash that *might* be easier to handle debugging of is really awesome.


"Mir's kalt. Darf ich dein Hoodie haben?"

"Ah, ein Pulli Request."


@scy Erstaunlich aber wahr: Die Zieh-Begehren gehen den Vereinigungskonflikten voraus.


Holy shit I think I’m in love.

#Protomaps, a way to serve vector #maps of the entire world using a single static file and HTTP range requests.

It’s basically a static site generator for interactive maps. Tile servers are pretty much obsolete now. No database needed, you can run your interactive, smooth-zooming vector map from any HTTP storage. S3, Caddy running on your Wi-Fi router, even GitHub pages.

It’s open source & free to use. Wow. 🤯


Holy shit I think I’m in love.

#Protomaps, a way to serve vector #maps of the entire world using a single static file and HTTP range requests.

It’s basically a static site generator for interactive maps. Tile servers are pretty much obsolete now. No database needed, you can run your interactive, smooth-zooming vector map from any HTTP storage. S3, Caddy running on your Wi-Fi router, even GitHub pages.

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Anthony Sorace

@scy @delan This looks like a neat project, but I’m unclear of the benefits if I’m not using S3 &c. 100% agree on not wanting a database, but is there a benefit if this approach I’m missing over separate vector files if I’m not concerned about S3 costs?

🌈 Andrew ☄️

@scy So cool! I’ve been wondering for a while now whether you could do a similar thing for font subsetting. I really need to take another look at that idea.


the existence of Cisco implies the existence of oh wait never mind


@scy and while one is packet switching, the other is shipping them. :>


Hey there, #CCCamp23 people! I have about 20 or so #MiniDisc⁠s and would love to archive them (lossless) as FLACs. However, I only have a MiniDisc player with analog output, and would like to avoid a DAC→ADC round trip.

I’m sure one of you has a player with either a digital output, or some kind of device that can rip the discs faster than in real time? Would you mind bringing it to the Camp, and could I borrow it for a while? (I’m also open to paying for that, if you want.)


So @element took part in the European Police Congress in Berlin, had a booth and presentation there, and is proudly posting on the fedi about it.

I’m currently paying them $11.90 a month to host my homeserver on their EMS platform.

My payment in April will have been the last.

It’s one thing to provide FLOSS comms to the government. It’s another to proudly support our fucked up police system.

So @element took part in the European Police Congress in Berlin, had a booth and presentation there, and is proudly posting on the fedi about it.

I’m currently paying them $11.90 a month to host my homeserver on their EMS platform.


I mean I remember a time when they were called “Riot”.



I’m gonna leave this here as a reaction video for you all to add to your collection.


#Linus #LinusTechTips #no


By the way, since @vkc recently talked about using #Kdenlive to edit her videos, and not some proprietary tool:

As someone who’s been using DaVinci Resolve in the past, I’m increasingly using Kdenlive, too, especially for short clips. Because as “professional” as Resolve might be, it’s also incredibly picky about the input formats it supports. Kdenlive will basically take just about anything, from whereever you might’ve downloaded it from, no matter the codecs or containers.


well since we all agree that a coworker is someone who orks cows, it’s obvious that a manager ages men, right

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@scy please oh please oh please tell me "orks" is a new sexual euphemism.

Mike, First of His Name

@scy can confirm I have aged every time I've been in the presence of a manager

the Hearth

@scy anyone named Bartholomew had better avoid bartenders, too


#German animal names are really something.

sloth: Faultier (“lazy animal”)
seal: Seehund (“sea dog”)
turtle: Schildkröte (“shield toad”)
skunk: Stinktier (“stink animal”)
squid: Tintenfisch (“ink fish”)
slug: Nacktschnecke (“nude snail”)
hippo: Nilpferd (“nile horse”)
armadillo: Gürteltier (“belt animal”)

Murmeltier, (marmot, “mumble animal”) has nothing to do with mumbling, by the way. It’s from “murmenti”, based on Latin “mus montis”, “mouse of the mountain”.


#German animal names are really something.

sloth: Faultier (“lazy animal”)
seal: Seehund (“sea dog”)
turtle: Schildkröte (“shield toad”)
skunk: Stinktier (“stink animal”)
squid: Tintenfisch (“ink fish”)
slug: Nacktschnecke (“nude snail”)
hippo: Nilpferd (“nile horse”)
armadillo: Gürteltier (“belt animal”)

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Der Giga

@scy I mean: This has less to do with the German language than taking an outsiders perspektive.
But still; lots of fun. :D

I add:
Platypus: Schnabeltier ("beak animal")
We don't shame the feet, we shame the face.

Daniel Barlow
@scy "The Latin word hippopotamus is derived from the ancient Greek ἱπποπόταμος, hippopótamos, from ἵππος, híppos, 'horse', and ποταμός, potamós, 'river', meaning "horse of the river"", says wikipedia

"Nile horse" is just being specific about which river, I suppose.

similarly a sloth is called a 'luiaard' in Dutch ('lui' (lazy) + '-aard' (nature, character)).

Not to be confused with a 'luipaard' (leopard) though (note the added 'p' in the middle), where the 'lui' part has nothing to do with being lazy as far as I can tell, but merely is derived from 'leo'.
I first assumed the 'paard' suffix would come from the Dutch word for 'horse', making it a 'lion horse', but that too seems to be just derived from leopard's etymology:,


similarly a sloth is called a 'luiaard' in Dutch ('lui' (lazy) + '-aard' (nature, character)).

Not to be confused with a 'luipaard' (leopard) though (note the added 'p' in the middle), where the 'lui' part has nothing to do with being lazy as far as I can tell, but merely is derived from 'leo'.
I first assumed the 'paard' suffix would come from the Dutch word for 'horse', making it a 'lion horse', but that too seems to be just derived from leopard's etymology:

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