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Did you know that #XScreenSaver (yes, the collection of screensavers for X11) is available on Android?

And that #Google requires it to have a privacy policy in order to be available in the Play Store?

And that the maintainer chose to crowd-source a privacy policy where every item starts with "Unlike Google"?

It's become a great list of all the privacy violations Google did and still does. And I thought that it's gonna be long, but it's even longer than I imagined.

Tim Ward ⭐🇪🇺🔶 #FBPE

@scy What's the use case for an Android screen saver?

On my phone, I want the screen switched off when not in use, to save battery.

I have a tablet which is in use in the kitchen as a #HomeAssistant dashboard - this is permanently plugged in so no worries about battery life. But it exists so that we can see things at a glance, so we don't want a screen saver there either.

Thomas Mayer

@TimWardCam @scy

To state the obvious:
You do not have a use case for a screen saver? Then do not use it.

Tim Ward ⭐🇪🇺🔶 #FBPE

@residuum @scy Sure. But that doesn't stop me being curious as to the use cases that other people have.


@TimWardCam @residuum Watching it for the aesthetics or nostalgia.

Carlos Solís
@scy @residuum @TimWardCam XScreenSaver may be used in Android-powered TVs and screens that stay on for hours. A bit of a niche use case, but a case it is

@TimWardCam @residuum @scy As I read the privacy policy, one possible usecase is as a live (animated) background on the homescreen …


@TimWardCam @scy it's the xscreensaver code, usable as an android live wallpaper. Which is usable as the background to your app launcher


@TimWardCam @scy Android has a screensaver feature, and they can be set as live wallpapers as well.

Tim Ward ⭐🇪🇺🔶 #FBPE

@AngryAnt Dunno ... is that a thing with modern kit?

Kim Spence-Jones 🇬🇧😷

@TimWardCam @scy I think the main use case is as a vehicle to troll Google. 😁


@scy The last one is especially delicious. 😬


@scy Unironische Frage, weil ich bin wirklich so dumm: Wozu würde ich bei einem Android-Handy überhaupt einen Screensaver brauchen? Wenn ich's benutz, isses an und wenn nicht, ist der Bildschirm aus.
Überseh ich was?


@Codeschubse Ist im Thread schon beantwortet: Wegen der Ästhetik oder aus Nostalgie, nicht als Bildschirmschoner per se, würd ich sagen.


@scy Ich sag's dauernd aber ich mach's nie: Ich muss mir dringend angewöhnen, erst den Thread zu lesen, bevor ich Leute belästige. Sorry. 😬


@Codeschubse Noch kam die Frage erst zweimal auf, aber ich hab das Gefühl, ich werd sie heute noch öfter gefragt werden ;)


@scy Zum Erhalt meiner (wenigen verbliebenen) mentalen Gesundheit, hab ich das "du sollst keine Kommentare lesen" wohl so verinnerlicht, dass ich unbewusst ausblende, dass hier im Fediverse die Kommentarspalte manchmal durchaus sehr wertvoll ist.
Ich werde an mir arbeiten, versprochen.

🛡 TheRealSamsy

@Codeschubse @scy kommt darauf an, Kommentare lesen bei oder youtube, besser nicht. Im Fediverse: Unbedingt!



What user data does Android's "sleep" collect?
Wer braucht mehr?
Dieses klingt mir wie Unsinn.

@scy jwz seriously glows considering that the solution was just to link to the f-droid version rather than encouraging more usage of the played store;

I absolutely don't need a screen saver on my phone, but hell yeah I'm installing it, just so I can agree to the privacy policy


Half an hour later my phone battery is dead because I've been going through all the old X11 screen savers on it. I remember now why I never bother installing it on any of my Linux machines. They're all so deliciously bad. Like, almost so bad they are good, but instead so bad they are just really bad.

Sbectol :twt:

@scy what does this part mean -

"..will honor deletion requests if you email us asking to delete all none of your user data that does not exist."


@Sbectol If you email them asking to delete your user data, they will comply by deleting nothing, because they have collected nothing.

Sbectol :twt:

@scy ah ok. That could have been clearer, perhaps

Brent WT4U

@Sbectol @scy I suspect the wording is a riff on some privacy policy boilerplate.


@scy I’m sure there’s as “Google burn-in” joke in there somewhere …


@scy LOL:

Unlike Google, XScreenSaver will never offer you advice, as it cannot talk. In the event that XScreenSaver does talk, we ask you to ignore its advice. As we do with Google.

Anne O'neam

@scy The last item is really the most important one!!


@scy This whole entire list is just making my day 😂


@scy As soon as you said "the maintainer" I knew this was going to be good - JWZ has been doing this kind of thing since before he was at Netscape.

🐧DaveNull🐧 ☣️pResident Evil☣

@scy What's not gonna be long is how short will it stay before google bans it "for inappropriate privacy policy" 😈🤡

Henning Paul DC4HP

@scy But will it (unlike Google) never give you up, let you down or run around and desert you?

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