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14 posts total
Tom :damnified:

I'd like to remind all Mastodon users that you can add a language filter to any follow relationship on Mastodon.

If you follow me and you don't speak German, you can easily remove my German posts from your timeline by adjusting the language settings.

Go to my profile page, select the dot menu and click "Change subscribed languages". Then select the languages that you speak.

This really is a hidden gem 💎 on Mastodon and not many people seem to know this feature :awesome:


Screenshot shows profile page context menu next to the subscription bell. Click "Change subscribed languages". A dialog opens.
In the pop up dialog, select all languages  that you want to subscribe to.
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dvo dvo


maybe you have something interesting to say in your own language...

why miss out on that?

Cristina 🏳️‍🌈🇵🇹🇪🇺

@thomas maybe we could have that super cool feature for hashtag follows too #mastodon @Gargron

Tom :damnified:

My FediWatch tool is still in very alpha stage, but if you feel lucky, try out and watch our instance communicate with the rest of the Fediverse :)

(server-to-server communication only - user data is not analyzed!)

#fediverse #federation #realTime #metalheadclub

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@thomas Very nice. I'd love to run something like this for Is this open sourced that you can share?


@thomas Oh! Didn't get it, this is only for one instance, very cool!

Tom :damnified:

Talked to Mr. Netzfabrik. He offered us cheaper traffic if I commit to using at least n Terabytes of traffic each month.

Now I need to find the sweet spot and estimate the future traffic consumption. :thaenkin:

(will be about 65 € for 10 TB for example. That's a lot cheaper than currently. We've payed more than 80 € last month and did not even touch 10 TB).

I guess 8-10 TB should be sufficient.


Tom :damnified:

Bravo, bravo #Fediverse. Nachdem die nächste Sau durchs Dorf getrieben wurde, gibt es nun die ersten exponierten Persönlichkeiten / Entwickler, die erst mal die Reißleine ziehen, weil sie ohne Beweise beschuldigt werden, "auf der falschen Seite" zu stehen.

Ganz stark. 👏
Habt mal mehr Respekt und Anstand.

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@thomas offenbar hab ich irgendwas verpasst.


@thomas Worum geht's? Ich krieg mal wieder nichts mit!

mndflayr :damnified: :debian:

@thomas Ich will gar nicht wissen, welche Beleidigungen sich die entsprechenden Entwickler und Admins anhören müssen.

Die Hoffnung, das es hier weniger toxisch ist als auf Twitter hat sich mal wieder nicht bestätigt.

Die Diskussion"kultur" ist hier genau so kaputt und beleidigend. Hat sich schon bei früheren Themen gezeigt.

- Raspi
- Quote Threads
- default

Um nur mal Drei zu nennen. Beleidigen und pöbeln ist nicht diskutieren....

@thomas Ich will gar nicht wissen, welche Beleidigungen sich die entsprechenden Entwickler und Admins anhören müssen.

Die Hoffnung, das es hier weniger toxisch ist als auf Twitter hat sich mal wieder nicht bestätigt.

Die Diskussion"kultur" ist hier genau so kaputt und beleidigend. Hat sich schon bei früheren Themen gezeigt.

Tom :damnified:

Did you know BrutaLinks by @mariusor?

"This project represents a new attempt at the social link aggregator service. It is modeled after (old)Reddit, HackerNews, and trying to combine the good parts of these services while mapping them on the foundation of an ActivityPub generic service called FedBOX."

#activityPub #reddit #HackerNews

Tom :damnified:

FediDB - Developer Tools for ActivityPub

Gorgeous Fediverse Dashboard by @dansup !

Tom :damnified:

Dear Metalheads, I don't want to blame anyone of you. But:

It is of great importance that you use the right emoji.

🤘 = Metal af.
🤟 = I love you.

... which is very kind of you. But I guess it is not what you intended to say. 😅😉

Screenshot with Surfer Greeting Hand Emoji
Tom :damnified:

Btw I didn't miss the sceptic emoji and the annoyed one. I'm sorry to hear you're feeling like that. But be assured - this is going to be the last voting for a while. 😉

Tom :damnified:

Okay one member decided to add another 🤟 emoji 😅

Oh come on! 😅

Tom :damnified:

Wow! Mozilla has a great article about video codecs on the web. 😍

Web video codec guide - Web media technologies | MDN

#video #web #Mozilla

Tom :damnified:

Aaand they have an article about image codecs, too!

Image file type and format guide - Web media technologies | MDN -

#Mozilla #web

Tom :damnified:

👀 I just enabled the translation feature on for testing :)

Try it and let me know what you think!

This is how I got it working:

DeepL API access is free of charge for up to 500,000 characters per month. I guess that will be sufficient for now.

Btw privacy implications: None. Feature is only available for public posts.

#mastoadmin #translation #mastodon #metalheadclub

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Thomas Lee ✅ :patreon:

@thomas Does this have to be done by the instance ADMIN? If so @stux can we please have it??


@thomas Do you happen to know what determines whether the translate button shows?

Right now, for me Translate shows for German toots (including my own, which is of limited help for me). Does it depend on the interface language set? Is there an option to disable it for specific languages?

Daryl Shawn

@thomas thank you!! I have English, Spanish and French but I'm missing out on a lot of the good stuff in other languages ;). will check it out!

Tom :damnified:

I've opened registrations for a short period of time.

Let's see if new users arrive (and give them a warm welcome! ;-) )

Tom :damnified:

Dear Admins of #mastodon

I'd like to start a new #hashtag #trend. How about introducing ourselves to our users? Attach some pictures of us, provide our users some basic information about us.

Mastodon should be a place about personal connections. We can make this place more personal if we show our faces :)

Pin your post to your profile and use tag #knowYourAdmin

I'd be happy if some of you join me :)

Boost if you like the idea!


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@thomas Also mit meinen zwei Instanzen nur für mich allein, muss ich da jetzt nicht mit machen, oder? Finde ich aber ne tolle Idee. Bei den anderen Serverdiensten gibt es bei mir auch andere Nutzer, und die kennen mich auch alle. Da lege ich Wert drauf.
verbalstrahl :blobcatlook:



Not my instance but thank you for your service 🫡, Sir.


@thomas I think It's a good tought. But we should't forget, that we here are not save from scraping data.

Tom :damnified:

Haha ex-Twitter employees have created their own Mastodon instance 😅

"This server is intended for current and previous twitter employees and their friends/family. We filter signups to try keep the server focused for community reasons." -

Welcome to the Fediverse! :)


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Alexander 🐘

@thomas "macaw"?

Couldn't find a more difficult name, no? And people complain about "Mastodon" *LOL*

But, yeah, I guess it's because it's nice looking bird.
Still ;)

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