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Tom :damnified:

Haha ex-Twitter employees have created their own Mastodon instance 😅

"This server is intended for current and previous twitter employees and their friends/family. We filter signups to try keep the server focused for community reasons." -

Welcome to the Fediverse! :)


Tom :damnified:

Tbh it's difficult to verify, but seems plausible.

🤖 totally not a bot

@thomas this user has a verified link back to a website that seems pretty legit, their twitter account also links to their profile. My bet is on it being real.

Sebastian Tobie

@thomas i found one, who is very likely an ex-ios dev from the birdsite.

Johanna's Garden

@arrdem @thomas

Twitter employees have been very much on my mind and heart lately. I wish all of you the best and hope you are able to mutually vent and support one another.


@thomas Wär gut, man könnte das irgendwie verifizieren.

Tom :damnified:

@JoergSorge da das wahrscheinlich nur ein loses Kollektiv ist... Hmm. Schwierig für nen Normalo. Außer jemand kennt jemanden, der wen kennt und so. 🤔

🦊 Paul Schoonhoven 🍉 🍋

@thomas "intended for current and previous twitter employees and their friends/family."
Ongetwijfeld ook voor een 'beperkt' aantal journalisten... 😇


@thomas would have been a great name as well. Because that bird might go extinct as well soon ;)



Hello Thomas. This sounds to me like a very interesting and somehow also - for the group - important solution. I can only congratulate, welcome everyone and keep my fingers crossed that everything works out as the group has wished.


If I was an ex-twitter employee, fired by Email, this is what I'd do.

Hilary Lennon

@thomas @Tupp_ed That's v amusing, but solidarity too to all of them re having to deal with all that Musk crap.


@thomas Twitterfolks, you wanted to gather here and be social, and ex-Twitter employees have set up a place you can do that! Say Hai if you want.


@thomas Hahahaha nice. Funny but not funny at the same time 😅



Absolutely love it! It makes perfect sense, too -- a self controlled, decentralised place for them to gather.


@thomas I love the smell of karma in the morning


@thomas I'm interested if we'll see something from wired, cnn, etc. in the future...

When the Sh*t hits the fan: Ex-Twitter employees open their own Mastodon Instance


@thomas I, for one, welcome them. Their having to put up with the last few weeks of Musk speedrunning their old workplace into the ground has been trying enough for them, I'm sure.

Rachel Greenham

@thomas I’m sure the fediverse devs are waiting for some great PRs 😅

Dr. Quadragon ❌

@thomas Moments like these is what keeps me breathing.

jahway603 :archlinux:

@thomas maybe some of them will contribute to the Mastodon code base.


@jahway603 @thomas At the very least they have insights from running Twitter and what not to do that will prove invaluable.

@bot I wish you could have heard the laugh that just came out of Sui. 😆
Sister **NO**

@thomas Funny how we were all thrown off Twitter for not meeting community standards of inclusiveness. But it’s only women who are expected to let everyone in.

Tsch3t Blue

@thomas I'm not one of them, but that's awesome.


@thomas that’s great news! I hope this verse gets lots of traction.

Aegis Runestone @ Birthmonth!

@thomas This is honestly not surprising considering what Musk is doing to Twitter.


@thomas good deal. Muskrat can go kick rocks.

Wednesday’s Child

This makes me happy. I’m glad they’ve found a home!


@thomas сколько инстансов там уже забанили?

Leonie :pb: :verified_queer:

@thomas this really sounds like the Freenode incident, huh?

Alexander 🐘

@thomas "macaw"?

Couldn't find a more difficult name, no? And people complain about "Mastodon" *LOL*

But, yeah, I guess it's because it's nice looking bird.
Still ;)

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