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401 posts total
:blobcatlaptop: gravitos :blobcatcomfsip:​

приятно видеть, как (явно не без моей помощи) объединяются два сообщества на совершенно разных языках

:blobcatlaptop: gravitos :blobcatcomfsip:​

на паре физики в тех. ВУЗе. Студент выходит к доске и пишет: hw=mc2(квадрат), и выдает фразу: предположим, что электрон стоит. Препод указывает на с: а это тогда что? Голос из заднего ряда: предположим, что электрон стоит со скоростью света...

:blobcatlaptop: gravitos :blobcatcomfsip:​

come use instant messaging, it'll be fun! you just have to pick your preferred platform:
- silicon valley enshitification machine
- nazis and grifters
- questionable privacy policies
- barely a MVP
- unapologetic walled garden
- less honest about being mostly a walled garden
- Unable to decrypt message.
- 2005 called, they wanted their messaging protocol back
- 1995 called, they wanted their messaging protocol back

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Jessica Canady

@tay damn I wish XMPP were still A Thing.

Wyatt (🏳️‍⚧️♀?)

@tay 1995 any day of the week because there's nothing inherently wrong with being old

:blobcatlaptop: gravitos :blobcatcomfsip:​

If you argue that your GUI toolkit is better than others because it’s “suckless” I’ll assume it completely lacks any kind of support for bidirectional text, advanced font rendering necessary for several non-Latin languages, or accessibility.

Edit: or internationalization.

:blobcatlaptop: gravitos :blobcatcomfsip:​

Please stop recommending Matrix in my mentions

I do not think the Matrix developers are competent enough to design a secure protocol


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I'm glad someone is taking a shot at making an open version of discord, but I also am very aware that what they have made is incredibly resource heavy.

I have my doubts as well, but I'm still in their corner if they can get it right.

Ariadne Conill 🐰

@soatok they can't even get *unencrypted* chat working right, much less anything involving cryptography

:blobcatlaptop: gravitos :blobcatcomfsip:​

ххх: Устроился на работу фрилансером-программистом. Все серьезно: догвор, белая зарплата, бухгалтерия. Полгода не могли придумать задание. Зарплату бухгалтерия исправно перечисляла. Вчера платить отказались и сказали зайти к директору. Мне кажется они что-то подозревают.

:blobcatlaptop: gravitos :blobcatcomfsip:​

С 13 мая 2024 года VMware Workstation Pro становится полностью бесплатным для домашнего использования. Выпуск новых версий VMware Player прекращён. Об этом сообщили в официальном блоге VMware.

Marbiz :firefox:

@daniel имба новость, даже репаки качать больше не нужно.

:blobcatlaptop: gravitos :blobcatcomfsip:​

according to Vertex and some random rimworld mod page on steam, :blobcat: "could symbolize a friendly and resilient character".

:blobcatuwu: ← friend

Comb 🍯

@gravitos This is my favourite certified blobcat post today 🥇 :blobcatthumbsup:

:blobcatlaptop: gravitos :blobcatcomfsip:​

so, i now support DaRAP (Doll and Robot Awawa Protocol)

awawa @1

having a modular mechanical hand has never failed me

:blobcatlaptop: gravitos :blobcatcomfsip:​
TIL that MS-DOS is based on QDOS (Quick and Dirty Operating System), making MS-DOS the Microsoft Dirty Operating System
:blobcatlaptop: gravitos :blobcatcomfsip:​

Thanks everyone! We closed the loop!

Most websites are now publishing algorithmic generated content in order to please ranking algorithms from search engines in order to display generated ads that will be clicked by crawling bots and automatically generated social profiles.

No humans needed any more!

Which means that you can now close your laptop, watch a sunset and talk to real humans near you. Enjoy your life far from your screen.

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@ploum it's getting that way... According to one study some 50% of Internet traffic is bot activity. #deadinternet here we come!


@ploum and all that faff and waste of energy to no point since I use an adblocker.

Wouter De Borger

@ploum which supports my theory that the corporation is the dominant organism on this planet.
A bunch of people doing crazy stuff in the hopes of getting more money out of the corporation by making the corporation get more money out of other people.

:blobcatlaptop: gravitos :blobcatcomfsip:​

захожу на первую пару, кафедральный ноут стоит включенный со вчерашнего дня

и оба проектора всю ночь работали

б - безопасность!

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