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Thanks everyone! We closed the loop!

Most websites are now publishing algorithmic generated content in order to please ranking algorithms from search engines in order to display generated ads that will be clicked by crawling bots and automatically generated social profiles.

No humans needed any more!

Which means that you can now close your laptop, watch a sunset and talk to real humans near you. Enjoy your life far from your screen.

:projetstodon: Shalien

@ploum The real humans near me deemed my company not suitable and left


@ploum well I'm currently talking to humans not near me, through one of the oldest electronic media : the radio πŸ˜„πŸ˜Žβ™₯️
Works well but I can't hear their replies... So I'll stick with getting some feedback thru social networks and e-mails ! 😁

:flan_reaper: - On Hiatus


Glad to know that we finally finished the internet.

ErosBlog Bacchus

@ploum This is snarky and funny but it ignores the fact that for thirty years an awful lot of us enjoyed a huge amount of internet-mediated sociality that was superior or usefully supplementary (for whatever reasons) to the social opportunities available to us in meatspace. It's funny to say "go outside and talk to people again" but a lot of us had reasons that wasn't working so well and now we are decades older so it's even harder. The loss is real and not genuinely a cause for celebration.


@ErosBlog @ploum
I fit that mold. I'm a blind guy who has been online since 1993. I cannot describe in words how much my life changed after discovering plaintext communication over computer networks. Whole new worlds opened up for me that had previously been closed, and since the net at the time was mostly text, I was as capable of communicating as anyone else. I had found a "great equalizer".

I do appreciate the snark for what it is. People like me will keep on making our computer-mediated communities, in spite of whatever big tech is doing.

@ErosBlog @ploum
I fit that mold. I'm a blind guy who has been online since 1993. I cannot describe in words how much my life changed after discovering plaintext communication over computer networks. Whole new worlds opened up for me that had previously been closed, and since the net at the time was mostly text, I was as capable of communicating as anyone else. I had found a "great equalizer".



@ErosBlog > That’s why I’m so grateful for the protocol : it is plain-text, accessible to anyone who can write and read, using whatever device for it.



@pluralistic wrote that book! Or was it @scalzi ? πŸ€”


@ploum it's getting that way... According to one study some 50% of Internet traffic is bot activity. here we come!


@ploum and all that faff and waste of energy to no point since I use an adblocker.

Wouter De Borger

@ploum which supports my theory that the corporation is the dominant organism on this planet.
A bunch of people doing crazy stuff in the hopes of getting more money out of the corporation by making the corporation get more money out of other people.

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