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Soatok Dreamseeker

Please stop recommending Matrix in my mentions

I do not think the Matrix developers are competent enough to design a secure protocol


Soatok Dreamseeker

This isn't a personal attack, it's an observation of their inability to detect and mitigate this basic of a protocol security issue before a third party looked their way

Most people are not qualified to do this work! That's why Signal is the go-to recommendation for now

Soatok Dreamseeker

@cobratbq Last I heard, "eventually". If there's been movement there, it hasn't reached cryptography circles

sykora :trans_furr_white:

@soatok I took a cryptography class as part of my cs degree but that's the extent of my knowledge. Do you have any suggestions for where I could learn more for my own personal curiosity? I know better than to roll my own cryptography for any project and I promise it's just for curiosity, lol

mav :happy_blob:


So is there anything out there worth using?

Normal :jo_2: :v_enby:

@soatok iirc they were actually trying to develop dMLS, decentralised MLS, and then planning to adopt that

but that was a few years ago, and there was 1 person working on it, and i dont know if they're even allowed energy and time to work on that anymore


@ShadowJonathan @soatok dMLS is Vectors attempt at bending MLS, specifically its requirement of having a linear commit history, to Matrix transport model which can't enforce that.
I'm not saying that's necessarily a bad idea, but it's certainly a dangerous idea because all of MLS' requirements to the DS exist for a reason. This is something that will need a lot of scrutiny, and at least in the last year nothing much has happend about it either. So I'm not holding my breath for MLS in Matrix

Cuteroll, shark aficionado that's a good point, but have you considered this:

** Unable to decrypt: The sender's device has not sent us the keys for this message. **

- posted by otter


@soatok I read that they want to switch to MLS, but the last time someone worked on it was July 2023.

But they have to do adjust MLS to work with Matrix's architecture, so still enough room for mistakes.

Arch :arch:

@soatok also, every single client and server implementation has a bunch of usability issues and inconsistency that makes it really hard to recommend to anyone non technical, security aside.

Soatok Dreamseeker

@arch Fuck! They're proving Moxie right! I hate that

The Doctor

@arch @soatok

Unable to decrypt message

Unable to decrypt message

Unable to decrypt message


@soatok oh, God damn it. How did I miss this?


What about Would very much like to hear your opinion.

Soatok Dreamseeker

@zeh They've built a complex mess of Toxcore + Ed448 (biggest curve is best curve but with added NIST paranoia) + AES-GCM (which is maximally "we trust NIST") for bulk encryption, plus their own double ratchet implementation with their own NTRU implementation, with Haskell bindings!

The only reason I suspect this hasn't collected any CVEs is because Haskell code is unreadable to anyone that isn't a biblical scholar in functional programming.

Soatok Dreamseeker

@zeh If you want a more concrete security risk: How are they mitigating Invisible Salamanders?

Because if they're not, lol


@soatok too bad they don’t update that site with current status of things instead of just put that lazy statement up at top and do nothing else about it.

XMPP always interested me way more than Matrix, any disasters with that one?

Soatok Dreamseeker

@colinstu Does XMPP default to plaintext even if both clients support the OMEMO extension?


@soatok I don’t know but it certainly could? Not suggesting it’s perfect and should be flipped to asap, but “maybe one day”?
It’s on my list of stuff to do to mess around with that but just got a lot else going on atm.

Soatok Dreamseeker

@colinstu My point is that, even with an optional extension like OMEMO, the XMPP protocol suite isn't really sitting at the big kids table with E2EE protocol designs and shouldn't be treated the same way.


@soatok Matrix didn’t start that way out either (adding E2EE, and then later requiring it by default). To immediately conclude it’s not worthy of any further consideration doesn’t sit right, things can change (but I’m not holding my breath either).

Orca🌻 | 🏴🏳️‍⚧️ Yep, this one is extremely horrifying. It gives me the impression of them absolutely not understanding what they're doing.

fEmber Matrix is a poor choice even without the cryptography issues. We briefly ran a Matrix home-server for our instance community, and the overall experience was terrible. There were endless client issues, the software was a pain to deploy, and moderation features were barebones at best. We finally shut the whole thing down after a single user successfully brigaded the instance with slurs and bigotry. Despite a whole staff of moderators, we were powerless to stop the attack because the protocol failed to provide effective federation controls.

I want to like Matrix, but I just cant. It doesn't meet the needs of a safe online environment, and I consider that a minimum requirement for any social platform.

CC @Amelia Matrix is a poor choice even without the cryptography issues. We briefly ran a Matrix home-server for our instance community, and the overall experience was terrible. There were endless client issues, the software was a pain to deploy, and moderation features were barebones at best. We finally shut the whole thing down after a single user successfully brigaded the instance with slurs and bigotry. Despite a whole staff of moderators, we were powerless to stop the attack because...



I'm glad someone is taking a shot at making an open version of discord, but I also am very aware that what they have made is incredibly resource heavy.

I have my doubts as well, but I'm still in their corner if they can get it right.

Ariadne Conill 🐰

@soatok they can't even get *unencrypted* chat working right, much less anything involving cryptography

Ariadne Conill 🐰

@soatok my assumption is that in 6 to 9 months when discord finally does something to piss me off and i need to find a new chat platform for treehouse that i am just going to pull a linus torvalds and take a month or two leave and just write something

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