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:blobcatlaptop: gravitos :blobcatcomfsip:​
the skip ad button was a scam made up to force you to pay attention to ads
HyperSoop :spinny_cat_aroace: :spinny_fox_agender:

that thread gives you an idea of the kind of overengineered obfuscated overdone mess the youtube website is

google is going way too far to temporarily inconvenience adblock users

Kay Ohtie

@soop @sponsorblock YouTube devs or YouTube managers/execs? Wild to think they've fired any dev who thinks it's scummy but does the work anyway and finally found the pool of devs who like ads


@soop @sponsorblock

That means that there's a critical mass of people using ad-blocking to trigger YouTube into fighting them.

Ergo, there are a lot of people unhappy with watching ads on YouTube. Honestly, when I watch YouTube without an ad blocker, the experience is horrible.

Ergo, when (and if) YouTube somehow wins that fight, a large number of people will be generally unhappy with YouTube. A certain percentage of them will quit YouTube.

Apparently the math works out (or at least YouTube think that the math works out) that the number of people quitting YouTube will be lower than the number of people who keep watching ads.

I hope they're wrong.

@soop @sponsorblock

That means that there's a critical mass of people using ad-blocking to trigger YouTube into fighting them.

Ergo, there are a lot of people unhappy with watching ads on YouTube. Honestly, when I watch YouTube without an ad blocker, the experience is horrible.

Ergo, when (and if) YouTube somehow wins that fight, a large number of people will be generally unhappy with YouTube. A certain percentage of them will quit YouTube.

:blobcatlaptop: gravitos :blobcatcomfsip:​

YouTube is currently experimenting with server-side ad injection. This means that the ad is being added directly into the video stream.

This breaks sponsorblock since now all timestamps are offset by the ad times.

For now, I set up the server to detect when someone is submitting from a browser with this happening and rejecting the submission to prevent the database from getting filled with incorrect submissions.

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@sponsorblock Youtube keeps spending money on a war they can't win. We will always find a way


@sponsorblock A potential solution to this is to store not just a timecode on sponsorblock server, but a video-fingerprint (like store mean variance of group of pixels in like 5 random position, each 10 frame)

sad to have to fight this... (they premium cost so much also, and they censor everything, not neutral...)


@sponsorblock do you know if they're injecting ads within individual DASH segments or do they have the ad serving logic where they serve the DSAH metadata?

:blobcatlaptop: gravitos :blobcatcomfsip:​
this isn't about chess, by the way.

my point is that you should do whatever you have fun doing; even if you're bad at it. lose at chess, paint ugly paintings, play bad music. maybe you'll get better, maybe you won't. the important part is that you're having a good time.
:blobcatlaptop: gravitos :blobcatcomfsip:​

пора сделать резервную копию своего телефона

на этот раз такую, чтобы её потом было вообще возможно восстановить, лол

:blobcatlaptop: gravitos :blobcatcomfsip:​

а потом поставить на телефон линукс, опять

:blobcatlaptop: gravitos :blobcatcomfsip:​

wait 2019 was 5 years ago?


:blobcatlaptop: gravitos :blobcatcomfsip:​

мне было охуеть как скучно, поэтому...

помните тот ИИ, о котором болтала @mnnwvn? ну так вот, я начал писать для него гтк4 морду на питоне. потому что телегу всё время в фоне держать неприкольно

Galactic Jew 🇮🇱

@gravitos @mnnwvn
с классическими русскими анекдотами все плохо.

:blobcatlaptop: gravitos :blobcatcomfsip:​

More fun publisher surveillance:
Elsevier embeds a hash in the PDF metadata that is *unique for each time a PDF is downloaded*, this is a diff between metadata from two of the same paper. Combined with access timestamps, they can uniquely identify the source of any shared PDFs.

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@jonny Aaah yes, DMCA against random citizens, enforced by the same govs who original funded the majority of the papers in the first place. So, the tax payer gets to pay for the education, the research, the access fee AND the cops and legal system who have to go after the right minded citizens who publish the stuff they already payed for at least twice. This is fine. 🔥 The market will regualte itself.

Rue Mohr

@jonny Why else would they require a free account and login to download it...

Jacques Chester

@jonny @SwiftOnSecurity those look sequential rather than fully random hashes

:blobcatlaptop: gravitos :blobcatcomfsip:​

“Jesus and Grimace are cousins!” was not a sentence I expected to write today, but here we are. #etymology

halva is

@abdalian drinking the grimace shake is an act similar to drinking wine as the blood of jesus

:blobcatlaptop: gravitos :blobcatcomfsip:​

10 июня весь мир отмечает Всемирный день мороженого. Эту дату приурочили ко дню первых массовых продаж мороженого в США (в далёком 1786г.), хотя в кулинарии оно появилось на много веков раньше.

Первым его "прообразом" был китайский десерт из перемешанных со льдом или снегом кусочков фруктов. Древние греки также лакомились очень холодными молочными продуктами и соками (император Нерон любил снег с альпийских ледников, для хранения которого строились специальные погреба).

По преданию в Европу рецепт мороженого привёз из Китая Марко Поло. Жерар Тирсен, кулинар из Франции, в конце 17 века создал рецепт замороженного ванильного крема с молоком и сливками, который прозвали "неаполитанским мороженым". Патент на изобретённую мороженицу получила жительница Англии Нэнси Джонсон, но из-за отсутствия финансов она продала его американцам.

В России мороженое пояаилось в середине 18в, но в промышленных масштабах его начали производить уже в 30х годах 20го века.

Полакомьтесь сегодня мороженым ​:blobfoxnomicecream:​


10 июня весь мир отмечает Всемирный день мороженого. Эту дату приурочили ко дню первых массовых продаж мороженого в США (в далёком 1786г.), хотя в кулинарии оно появилось на много веков раньше.

Первым его "прообразом" был китайский десерт из перемешанных со льдом или снегом кусочков фруктов. Древние греки также лакомились очень холодными молочными продуктами и соками (император Нерон любил снег с альпийских ледников, для хранения которого строились специальные погреба).

По преданию в Европу рецепт...

:blobcatlaptop: gravitos :blobcatcomfsip:​
BREAKING: #FuckStalkerware pt. 7 - israeli national police found trying to purchase stalkerware

for the first time ever, we can prove governments, intelligence companies and data brokers have tried to strike deals with mSpy, a stalkerware company
:blobcatlaptop: gravitos :blobcatcomfsip:​

This one simple hack lets you keep using photoshop without paying a monthly subscription! Silicon Valley hates her!

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Leanne J

@billgoats Sorry, ‘ancient Mac’?? That hurt. I swear I only learned to use computers on this thing a few years ago in school 😂


At what cost, though The cost of your soul?

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