lol. gotta love crypto. I realized I had about $50 of bitcoin hanging out somewhere, so I transferred it to coinbase to sell and turn into usd.
I used an old address from coinbase's "gdax" exchange, which they merged into their new coinbase advanced.
The money disappeared. Coinbase happily told me "sorry, that product is deprecated, the funds are lost on the blockchain."
These are not serious people.
@dave_andersen When I see signs on Coinstar machines advertising, "turn your cash into crypto", all I can think is...
@dave_andersen It's insane that significant amounts of Crypto just get lost and will continue to get lost in an entirely irrecoverable way. I guess this is "deflationary"
@dave_andersen don't know the regulations out there, but in Poland you'd also have to pay tax for turning the nonexistent crypto into the nonexistent money ;)