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:blobcatlaptop: gravitos :blobcatcomfsip:​

заказал себе апельсинку. приезжает в начале мая...

:blobcatlaptop: ждём-с

:blobcatlaptop: gravitos :blobcatcomfsip:​

so my uni requires me to do a few assignments in .NET MAUI, and i just have to ask

what the fuck were Microsoft on when they were making this


ok, i get why you fucks might not want to support Linux as a target for MAUI. surprisingly, im fine with that, im certain it wouldn't work if you did try.

you do support android as a target, and i just happen to have an android container on my laptop, i'll just build against that, what can go wrong?

so, i set up the android sdk and java 11, using microsoft's own target they have in dotnet 8, that installs android sdk and java to wherever you point it at. i use their recommended commands in the command palette to point MAUI to the installed tools.


Error XA5300: we don't see the tools we've just installed!

Took me TWO HOURS to figure out that I have to explicitly point to the toolchain for the SECOND time in the csproj file. Its not mentioned ANYWHERE. But it did work.

Also, it turned out that I need to wake Waydroid up for this thing to actually start building, for whatever reason.

So, it starts building, with its own toolchain and shit, it installs the app into my container, I start the app and... get greeted with an immediate crash. Out of curiosity, I push the app to my actual phone to see why it crashes, since out of my three android environments, only my main phone can catch stack traces properly. Yes, I've tried scoop, it did not catch this crash.

So, I run the app on my phone, it crashes, I check the logs and see...


Abort message: 'No assemblies found in '/data/user/0/com.companyname.mauiapp1/files/.__override__' or '<unavailable>'. Assuming this is part of Fast Deployment. Exiting...'

The toolchain did not bother to put the CODE!!!!!!! into the app it was building.

I did not make any changes to the app. This is the defaults. Vertex for once was useful and told me that I had to explicitly set EmbedAssembliesIntoApk to true.


so my uni requires me to do a few assignments in .NET MAUI, and i just have to ask

what the fuck were Microsoft on when they were making this


ok, i get why you fucks might not want to support Linux as a target for MAUI. surprisingly, im fine with that, im certain it wouldn't work if you did try.

you do support android as a target, and i just happen to have an android container on my laptop, i'll just build against that, what can go wrong?

:blobcatlaptop: gravitos :blobcatcomfsip:​

тыкает @sarahquartz подозрительно квадратной палочкой

мяяяяя! :CrabVerified:

@gravitos @sarahquartz выглядит как цензура из хентая

:blobcatlaptop: gravitos :blobcatcomfsip:​

итак, у меня больше подписчиков, чем у @mnnwvn

а @mnnwvn - местная микро-знаменитость

чат, что делать? :blobcatsweats:

:blobcatlaptop: gravitos :blobcatcomfsip:​

born to :blobcatcomfslep:
forced to :blobcatscience:


:blobcatlaptop: gravitos :blobcatcomfsip:​

восемь дней

ВОСЕМЬ СУКА ДНЕЙ им понадобилось на то, чтобы РАССМОТРЕТЬ мой запрос на удаление аккаунта


в следующий раз надо будет читать политику конфиденциальности перед регистрацией.

:blobcatlaptop: gravitos :blobcatcomfsip:​

Took me a while, but I've finally explained the concept of :blobcat: to Vertex. This is the result.

The third one is insanely funny to me for some reason.

#blobcat #aiart

:blobcatlaptop: gravitos :blobcatcomfsip:​

why do i always fail to set the language tags correctly for the first time

:blobcatlaptop: gravitos :blobcatcomfsip:​

Алкофазен теперь княгиня Ольга?


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