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:blobcatlaptop: gravitos :blobcatcomfsip:​

Ah yes, let's ship a kernel driver that parses update files that are pushed globally simultaneously to millions of users without progressive staging, and let's write it in a memory unsafe language so it crashes if an update is malformed, and let's have no automated boot recovery mechanism to disable things after a few failed boots. What could possibly go wrong?


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Trillion Byter

@marcan brb. Need to add a few topics in my personal Jira.

Christian Berger DECT 2763

@marcan Well it's a nice stunt. I mean nobody would ever use "endpoint security" software on an important system. That would be ridiculous and a clear breach of, for example, the contract rules of Crowdstrike.

Jan ☕🎼🎹☁️🏋️‍♂️

@marcan rust in kernel wasn't available when this thing was written. And you just don't go rewrite stuff for the fun of it.

Not to defend them for whatever errors happened in the qa proces, but hindsight 20/20 here.

:blobcatlaptop: gravitos :blobcatcomfsip:​

@dysfun Reminds me of gr"let's crash on integer overflows that aren't a security bug, and then let's try to fix one such overflow with a hilariously broken obviously unreviewed patch that instead of working around it replaced it with an actual overflow bug that still crashed, thus creating a local kernel panic DoS that anyone can trigger with a shell one-liner, also we don't count DoSes as CVEs so don't bother responsibly disclosing this but we're going to flame you on Twitter and embarrass ourselves so bad we end up deleting our Twitter account but at least we banned your dynamic IP address from our website and forum, take that!!!!!"security.

(Yes, this really happened after I crashed my grsecurity kernel Gentoo box years ago by pasting too much text into a terminal, then tweeted a repro. I stopped using grsecurity after that.)

@dysfun Reminds me of gr"let's crash on integer overflows that aren't a security bug, and then let's try to fix one such overflow with a hilariously broken obviously unreviewed patch that instead of working around it replaced it with an actual overflow bug that still crashed, thus creating a local kernel panic DoS that anyone can trigger with a shell one-liner, also we don't count DoSes as CVEs so don't bother responsibly disclosing this but we're going to flame you on Twitter and embarrass ourselves...


@marcan that doesn't surprise me tbh, gibson is an arse

Ariadne Conill 🐰

@marcan @dysfun this is why i am reimplementing basically everything from scratch with OpenPaX

:blobcatlaptop: gravitos :blobcatcomfsip:​

> Russia slowing down YouTube to unbearable speeds
> YouTube blocks access from VPN and proxies

I hate the modern internet. It's either a website blocked by a country, you are blocked by a website, or both.

I'm also very tired of spending hours of my life to solve captchas.

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@inex первое же утверждение ошибочно. Россия не замедляет ютуб. Кроме Твиттера замедление, вроде, ни к чему не применяетя.


@inex I remember one talk about countries blocking websites and websites blocking countries.
When country (low on legitimacy) blocks some site, people still seek access to that site and generally trust in it increases. The only exception I can think of is linkedin.
But when some website blocks country, people generally react as "fuck you too".

:blobcatlaptop: gravitos :blobcatcomfsip:​

robot girl who beeps at 8am (she loves boops and headpats so she acts as an alarm)

:blobcatlaptop: gravitos :blobcatcomfsip:​

@mnnwvn тебя заменили консольной программой

shitpost - AUR

:blobcatlaptop: gravitos :blobcatcomfsip:​

apparently, Bringus Studios got contacted by Carrot_c4ke, who found an exploit to get commandline access on an Xbox, just proving that these things do, in fact, run Windows, as we all thought a long time ago.

when steam on xbox

#xbox #tech #technology #microsoft #windows

:blobcatlaptop: gravitos :blobcatcomfsip:​

@gravitos This Is My Computer. There Are Many Like It, But This One Is Mine. My Computer Is My Best Friend. It Is My Life. I Must Master It As I Master My Life.

Without Me, My Computer Is Useless. Without My Computer, I Am Useless. I Must Use My Computer True.


:blobcatlaptop: gravitos :blobcatcomfsip:​

Every so often some Linux guy replies to me saying ‘no critical infrastructure runs Windows’, so I just gotta say, today is education for you.

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Soul Dessin


We're still alive. So, it wasn't that critical. ;p


@GossiTheDog no critical infrastructure should* run Windows

Jimmy Hoke :tardis:


Correction: no critical infrastructure *should* run windows.

But this once isn’t actually a windows problem, just a problem that happened to be on windows.

:blobcatlaptop: gravitos :blobcatcomfsip:​
TLA is unaffected by the world-disrupting software update, our Admins believe this to be a "skill issue"
:blobcatlaptop: gravitos :blobcatcomfsip:​

Don't push to prod on a Friday

To be safe, don't push to prod on a Thursday night.

Really, someone might be off so don't push on Thursday.

Consider not pushing to prod on Weds, as that's when everyone is running their security scans.

Don't push to prod on Tuesday for reasons I can't yet think of.

Don't push to prod on Monday, you're still getting over the weekend.

Consider just not pushing to prod.

:blobcatlaptop: gravitos :blobcatcomfsip:​


i lost 1.2TB of data because snapd auto-updated docker, and the shutdown took so long that systemd sent SIGKILL to the database container process

this happened outside of my control, at around 3 AM in a night

there is no mechanism to stop auto-updates.


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