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:blobcatlaptop: gravitos :blobcatcomfsip:​

This is fantastic. If you’ve got the Rabbit apk launcher plz share with me christina at christina dot is. This is hilarious.

Adam Bell :catPOWER:

@film_girl fun fact, the ai pin also runs on android lol 🤡

:blobcatlaptop: gravitos :blobcatcomfsip:​

is hrt called hrt because it lets you Have Real Tits

:blobcatlaptop: gravitos :blobcatcomfsip:​

я начинаю походить на типичного мидла с макбуком - это уже второй раз, когда я сижу в закусочной и обедаю, одним глазом глядя на свой ноутбук.

только ноутбук у меня заклеенный стикерами Thinkpad, и вместо кофе я пью мохито из 1.5-литровой бутылки


@gravitos пробовал, не зашло. Единственное место шде было комфортно работать это коворкинг, но самое крутое это была библиотека и бесплатно. Там было реально круто работать. Они разные в выбранной мной я еще периодически ходил на уроки английского, мероприятия всякие, книжки читал...кароче супер. Библиотека Лермонтова в Питере.

:blobcatlaptop: gravitos :blobcatcomfsip:​

This is gonna be fun: OpenAI runs afoul of the GDPR because it generates false information about individuals and they don't have full access to the data that pertains to them.

From the article:

> Maartje de Graaf, data protection lawyer at noyb: “The obligation to comply with access requests applies to all companies. [...] It seems that with each ‘innovation’, another group of companies thinks that its products don’t have to comply with the law.”

This is gonna be fun: OpenAI runs afoul of the GDPR because it generates false information about individuals and they don't have full access to the data that pertains to them.

From the article:

> Maartje de Graaf, data protection lawyer at noyb: “The obligation to comply with access requests applies to all companies. [...] It seems that with each ‘innovation’, another group of companies thinks that its products don’t have to comply with the law.”

BrazMogu (i.e. Bruno Guedes)

@gabrielesvelto I think it's actually very funny that the excuse of "we can't really change the model after it's trained" is now biting them in the ass

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Ditto "Sound installation art" in an art gallery.

Go to an art gallery to look at statues and pictures ... you can choose what you gaze at.

Someone puts a set of speakers in there and turns on the sound ... you can't turn off your ears!

Sound installation art imposes its presence over all other art nearby.

It's nigh on Fascist.



I had no idea he had the same religion as me!

(My religion says I cannot look at ads from people I do not know. )

:blobcatlaptop: gravitos :blobcatcomfsip:​


:blobcatlaptop: gravitos :blobcatcomfsip:​

holy shit. they actually called it "reply guy". seeing the Torment Nexus and copying it for profit is one thing, but seeing a reply guy and being like "I can monetize that" is a whole new type of evil.

:blobcatlaptop: gravitos :blobcatcomfsip:​

a friendly, black and comfortable reminder that you can post your feline friends under the #catsofmastodon hashtag whenever you please, not just on #caturday!

#Cats #коты

:blobcatlaptop: gravitos :blobcatcomfsip:​

Loops is a new platform for sharing short videos, and it's open source + federated using #ActivityPub

We're really excited to share this sneak peek that showcases the new onboarding flow and discovery features (Connect Mastodon) and look forward to the upcoming beta release!

Are you ready for #Loops ?

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Koen de Jonge - SynQ

@pixelfed please slow down the succession of the slides a little bit, I had to pause that video multiple times because there was not enough time to read the words. 🙏🏻

:blobcatlaptop: gravitos :blobcatcomfsip:​

Купил пробковую доску и заполнил её фотографиями с классными людьми, которых я встретил :blobfoxflowerhair:

Кроме самой левой фотографии - это фото из гугл карт с F0rthsp4ce, но за одном из ноутбуков прячется @dettlaff, ибо ни одно фото я ним так и не сделал.

Наверняка на этом фото есть резиденты хакерспейса, но я их видел всего один раз и не всех запомнил.

Ну и картинка по середине, чтобы напомнить себе что можно заниматься более крутыми вещами, чем пропадать на фуллтайм работе, которую не особо любишь :bleba:

Купил пробковую доску и заполнил её фотографиями с классными людьми, которых я встретил :blobfoxflowerhair:

Кроме самой левой фотографии - это фото из гугл карт с F0rthsp4ce, но за одном из ноутбуков прячется @dettlaff, ибо ни одно фото я ним так и не сделал.

Наверняка на этом фото есть резиденты хакерспейса, но я их видел всего один раз и не всех запомнил.

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I'll never understand why Mastodon has that reputation (which sadly hurts it a lot when it's simply the better alternative to Twitter. Bluesky just added gifs, LOL and Threads wasn't even available in Europe for the longest time).

Maybe I've got bad memory or something but it was just like creating an account for any other website for me, except you have to chose your instance, which was a non-issue. Just pick social or your main interest.

Jigme Datse

@capetaun I see it as not really much different than the people saying, "hey contact me on this..." platform. Mastodon just isn't as well known by the people who insist on Signal, Instagram, Telegram, who knows what else... TikTok. I know who *most* of those people turned out to be (if I found out almost exclusively, though they often just disappear).

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