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29 posts total
Bad Diode

Just updated my website with a new design inspired by this mindblowing art piece by @helveticablanc. I'm ecstatic to finally share it with you:

I've got some news also, which you can find on my /now page if you are interested!

Shoutout to @thomasorus for their web developer notes, which I used to polish a few sore spots on my site:

I decided to forgo the dark mode css switch, y'all will have to deal with the *yellow*. Hope you like it!

Just updated my website with a new design inspired by this mindblowing art piece by @helveticablanc. I'm ecstatic to finally share it with you:

I've got some news also, which you can find on my /now page if you are interested!

Shoutout to @thomasorus for their web developer notes, which I used to polish a few sore spots on my site:

Bad Diode

Pimienta seems pretty happy with her new place! #caturday

Bad Diode

PSA: Pimienta wants to remind you that you probably should open and clean your PC periodically #caturday

Bad Diode

My supervisor says my guitar practice session is being cut short today. #caturday

Bad Diode

A while back I was contacted by because they want to archive my code on their platform. I refused cuz I don’t want to make it easier for bad actors to use my code for AI/machine learning without my explicit consent. Today they replied with a link to this policy:

I’m sharing here my full response for transparency (typos and all).

TLDR: Open source has failed us and you don’t have my permission to use any of my work for AI/ML purposes

A while back I was contacted by because they want to archive my code on their platform. I refused cuz I don’t want to make it easier for bad actors to use my code for AI/machine learning without my explicit consent. Today they replied with a link to this policy:

Bad Diode

Here is my belated end of the year retrospective. An interesting year no doubt, full of ups and downs. I ended the year very sick but I'm almost fully recovered now. Onwards, to a brighter 2024!

And thanks for those who take the time to read this :)

Devine Lu Linvega

@bd Ups and downs but certainly a lot of ups! You've built yourself a couple of rolling assets that will live on with you as you maintain then, and I hope as you build a catalogue of these things people adore, you'll get financially independant. Looking forward to see what you do in 2024, thanks again SO MUCH for your help with uxn this year :tealheart:

Bad Diode

Just finished reading Wiktopher by @rek

A delightful collection of adventures in a world unlike any other. Highly recommended!


Bad Diode

All seems to be working! Ready to finish that audio device on the PD @neauoire @rek


@bd @neauoire @rek reminds me of the 3D games on the ZxSpectrum

Bad Diode

All done! Let me know if you encounter any issues :) @neauoire @rek

Bad Diode

Finished mastering all current 28 entries for the Elmet Brae compilation. Can't wait to hear what y'all think of it!


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Devine Lu Linvega

@bd you're amazing! thanks for handling it, I'm sure it'll sound great :) Need a second opinion? :flonshed:


@bd thanks for taking that on :)! It's a ton of work!

rly looking forward to listening to the album!

Bad Diode

My glasses broke and glue wasn’t cutting it so I reached for my favorite tool: thermo retractile tubing

Bad Diode

"It's true what they say, now pages quickly become then pages"...

Anyway, I finally updated my /now page after 5 months, so if you are curious about what have I been up to you can find it here:

Bad Diode

Finished optimizing the main drawing functions for uxn-playdate getting speedups ranging from 1.98x to 4.38x.

Only screen_fill missing and then it's time to do audio and filesystem stuff. At this point the playdate should be able to handle pretty much any rom you throw at it (within reason). I think there is full speed parity for Oquonie compared with uxnemu.

More testing is needed of course, and I could make things faster but not worth it until I can test on hardware. :uxn:

#uxn #playdate


@bd Congratulations! This has come a long way in a very short period of time. 😃

Devine Lu Linvega

@bd that's sick! I was looking at the uxn core, and I think it could be to run faster.

Many times you increment the stack pointer each push and pop, I was wondering if it'd be faster to move it once, and write the values with an offset, so something like PUSH(a) PUSH(b) wouldn't load the ptr twice, just once and write a at -1 and b at -2.

Bad Diode

Hey fedi, is there someone out there that would like to part ways with a Playdate console? I would like to do some more development for it but don’t feel like waiting 6 months to get a new unit. I could borrow or buy it. Boosts appreciated!

Bad Diode

STEPPER v1.6 is out! A brand new UI for parameter selection and conditional triggers and panning support!

Check out this lovely demo by Catbeats:

Available now on itch:


Source code:

#musodon #musicproduction #gbadev

STEPPER v1.6 is out! A brand new UI for parameter selection and conditional triggers and panning support!

Check out this lovely demo by Catbeats:

Available now on itch:


Bad Diode

Was organizing my closet when suddenly… #theLogo

Bad Diode

Finally was able to test my theory and to my surprise it works!

I can control 4 data pins from a link cable to output a 3.3V signal with the press of a button.

The trick is that link cable connectors can be quite different. The GBA one has 4 pins/cables, but there is a difference between the big/small connector. A GBC link cable has 6 pin outputs and in my case an extra ground connector corresponding to the outer plate.

Either way this is very promising!


@bd this is amazing, are you going to share a tutorial?


@bd I must’ve missed earlier posts about this, what exactly is this project?

Bad Diode

Wow my partner made such an amazing sweet potato, chickpeas and spinach meal, topped with a drizzle of home made tahini sauce. Beautiful and delicious! #theGalley

Bad Diode

Been working on a lot of QoL improvements for STEPPER, which will ship on the next version (1.3).

Notes can now be transposed by octaves and all the notes in a channel can be adjusted at the same time if the cursor is on the channel select view.

There are also per-channel global parameters, which when modified it copy these values to all the trigs.

Also it was feeling a bit boring so the current playing tonal notes will now show on the piano when not on channel or trig select mode.

Bad Diode

Added a bunch of new benchmarks for my bitmap gba-renderers (text rendering, growing rectangles, moving sprites, rotating line drawing) and improved profiling macros that I can toggle on/off.

I can also interact with some of these to allow me to better understand how many cycles something cost.


Bad Diode

I should also mention that if you are using uxngba, you may want to update to the latest version of the repo, a lot of the performance improvements of these renderers have been ported to it, massively increasing the performance, plus a few minor bugs were squashed. :uxn:

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