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Bad Diode

Finally was able to test my theory and to my surprise it works!

I can control 4 data pins from a link cable to output a 3.3V signal with the press of a button.

The trick is that link cable connectors can be quite different. The GBA one has 4 pins/cables, but there is a difference between the big/small connector. A GBC link cable has 6 pin outputs and in my case an extra ground connector corresponding to the outer plate.

Either way this is very promising!


@bd this is amazing, are you going to share a tutorial?

Bad Diode

@alien of course! it's quite simple, really, but yes I'll write down some notes after I'm done experimenting. The plan is to get analog audio sync for STEPPER and the potential of a CV gate out with a couple of other components.


@bd I must’ve missed earlier posts about this, what exactly is this project?

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