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Devine Lu Linvega

@bd that's sick! I was looking at the uxn core, and I think it could be to run faster.

Many times you increment the stack pointer each push and pop, I was wondering if it'd be faster to move it once, and write the values with an offset, so something like PUSH(a) PUSH(b) wouldn't load the ptr twice, just once and write a at -1 and b at -2.

Bad Diode

@neauoire it's best not to do these optimizations manually, the compiler should be able to do this for you. There may be some operations where this could help, but if you decide you wanna give it a try let me know and I can A-B the changes :)

Devine Lu Linvega

@bd oki :) yeah I never know what turns into what, with one of the older cores, I noticed that in Compiler Explorer it would do an extra load between each.

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