@bd Ups and downs but certainly a lot of ups! You've built yourself a couple of rolling assets that will live on with you as you maintain then, and I hope as you build a catalogue of these things people adore, you'll get financially independant. Looking forward to see what you do in 2024, thanks again SO MUCH for your help with uxn this year :tealheart:
@neauoire lots of ups! :) yes I want to achieve financial independence doing this kind of stuff, which is why I need to figure out what works for me… I have so much cool stuff on the pipeline, but I need a way of working on it and also be able to eat. Imma try a couple of things this first 1-2 quarters, hope some of it works! Maybe in the future I can open source my stuff again, feels dirty not to, but I thing is what I must do at the moment