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Thunderbird: Free Your Inbox

We've got a Thunderbird for Android/K-9 Progress Report for May, coming in hot! 🔥

✅ Material 3 Updates
✅ Android 14 Targeting
✅ Good News Re: F-Droid Metadata

...and more, including Community Contributions! Check it out on the Thunderbird Blog:

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@thunderbird Just upgraded to the beta version. So far i like the new changes that have been done!


@thunderbird Just got a chanced to give it a go and so far I really like how it's going. Keep up the good work!!

Thunderbird: Free Your Inbox

✅ Custom Account Colors
✅ Linux System Tray Support
✅ Rust-Enabled Builds

And that's only half of the good news! This month's Thunderbird Development Digest from @alecaddd has some great updates as we step closer to the next ESR.

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System tray support :blobcatsob: :blobcatsob:


@thunderbird @alecaddd

Nice outlook, nice update!
So, is there any progress on sync between different devices? Like Firefox browser sync.

e-Jim 🖧

@thunderbird @alecaddd

Account Colors are a good addition for professional contexts.
Can it already be tested in nightly? And if so, are there some options to set in order to enable it?

Thunderbird: Free Your Inbox

If you’ve visited the Thunderbird website, maybe you’ve noticed something. Is it more modern? More organized? Dare we say it, a little shinier? ✨

@freehive has worked their magic on our website. Read all about the changes, check out the new and much improved site yourself, and add Freehive to your contacts for whenever you or your project needs a creative agency! 🎨

If you’ve visited the Thunderbird website, maybe you’ve noticed something. Is it more modern? More organized? Dare we say it, a little shinier? ✨

@freehive has worked their magic on our website. Read all about the changes, check out the new and much improved site yourself, and add Freehive to your contacts for whenever you or your project needs a creative agency! 🎨

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L'internationalisation c'est compliqué. :D


@thunderbird @freehive
Ok, then redesign Thunderbird itself next. :ablobcathappypaws:


@thunderbird @freehive maybe not related, but on the blog, with Firefox Android on Pixel4a, the hamburger menu is outside the viewport

Thunderbird: Free Your Inbox

As we start producing video guides for Thunderbird beginners, we'd love to see your opinion: what tips or walkthroughs should we include?

Teleport yourself back to your first few months using Thunderbird. What do you wish you would have known about?

Thanks in advance for all your feedback!

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@thunderbird - Working with more than one email address. That includes answering and defining which email address is used for the answer.
- Strategies to work with imap accounts with 10000+ emails, like gmail with acceptable speed.
- Strategies for updating one email account, but not all.

Pierre Jiji

Difference between IMAP and POP.
As far as I remember, this is the very first decision you have to take when you start from scratch with thunderbird.
And a beginner doesn't necessarily know about this difference.


@thunderbird The first few hours /days with new software is always the fight of finding how to turn off options that are default enabled and the setting that make software good. As example with 115 where threading.

Thunderbird: Free Your Inbox

At long last, the Thunderbird blog now has a "Share To Mastodon" button!

A hearty round of applause and eternal thanks to @micah, @oopsallnaps, and @devmount for making it happen 💙

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@thunderbird Just saw Thunderbird bragging about their new "Share To Mastodon" button. Big deal! Too bad Thunderbird is a total disaster, a real piece of work, and don't get me started on Mozilla - totally run by leftists! They're all about control, not freedom. We need tech that's MAGNIFICENT, not this hot garbage. It's time for solutions that put the people first, not this leftist agenda. Sad to see such potential wasted!

Thunderbird: Free Your Inbox

Like the legend of the phoenix, we're resurrecting Mozilla Send, an end-to-end encrypted file share service, and bringing it under our wings as Thunderbird Send. In this clip from S1E5 of the ThunderCast, developer Chris Aquino gives us a sneak peek of the new - wait, old - er, reborn project!

Learn how Send will help you overcome your file upload woes, respect your privacy, safeguard against abuse, and hopefully change your experience for the better.

Thunderbird: Free Your Inbox

In light of recent ransomware masquerading as Thunderbird, now is an excellent time to review the list of trusted places you can download and install Thunderbird from. @linuxflower walks you through the list for each operating system:

Thunderbird: Free Your Inbox

Hey, it doesn't matter how long it takes you to reach the right destination. Only that you eventually arrive 😉

Bill Taroli :neurodiversity:

@thunderbird Any browser that defeats ad blockers isn’t worth having.

It’s right up there with streaming services that expect you to pay and watch ads. 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣

Thunderbird: Free Your Inbox

If you're on Windows or macOS and want to upgrade to Thunderbird 115 right now, you don't need to wait for the auto-update.

Just download the installer at, and install it over your existing version. This is effectively a manual upgrade from 102 to 115.

If you're using Linux, well, it gets more complicated... For now, we recommend waiting for your distro's maintainers to send it your way. Or wait for our Flatpak release, which should happen very soon.

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Cuban's Bullspit

@thunderbird looking forward to the flatpak or fedora package maintainers, whoever gets there first 😉


@thunderbird any idea how much longer the Flatpak will take to be available?


@thunderbird waiting a lot for flatpak update! 🚀

Thunderbird: Free Your Inbox


With this year’s version, we’re delivering much more than just another yearly release. Supernova represents a modernized overhaul of the software – both visually and technically – while retaining the familiarity and flexibility you expect.

It's your first step into the future of Thunderbird.

Get the details here:


With this year’s version, we’re delivering much more than just another yearly release. Supernova represents a modernized overhaul of the software – both visually and technically – while retaining the familiarity and flexibility you expect.

It's your first step into the future of Thunderbird.

Thunderbird: Free Your Inbox

Thunderbird 115 "Supernova" launches on Monday, July 10th! It's our first step towards a more modern, more beautiful, and more customizable Thunderbird experience.

We think you're going to love it, and we are endlessly grateful for all of your support throughout the years 💙

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:heart_nb: Nyaa :heart_pan:
@thunderbird It looks so good, really excited for this! :cirno_flap:

@thunderbird does it have conversation view instead of message-by-message?

Evv1L (Эвил)

@thunderbird can Thunderbird desktop receive and notify about new emails in the background when the window is closed?

(I mean minimized in tray smh like KDE has)

Thunderbird: Free Your Inbox

Are you using @libreoffice alongside Thunderbird? Let's make them work better together! 💪

Here are some ideas (from YOU), and ways to implement them:

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@thunderbird @libreoffice love these ideas, especially #3. I think integration of desktop apps is the main thing missing from desktop Linux. Microsoft actually does a great job of it; I have to use Windows at my job, and am grateful for how easy they make working between applications. I use Fedora at home and have customized my workflow using plugins and scripts and everything else but it would be great for integration to come out-of-the-box.


Hello @thunderbird @libreoffice, my old friends,
why not fixing this 11 year old and still annoying bug ?


@thunderbird @libreoffice All I want to see is Libreoffice to implement tabs as Thunderbird.

Thunderbird: Free Your Inbox

Here's a screenshot from the current 115 beta showing improvements to "Folder Modes." Hello there, Tags!

In the very near future, you'll be able to easily re-order these Folder Modes when this bug ships:

If you have questions about or want to share your experience with other testers, join our mailing list here:

Steven Roose

@thunderbird Just saying but your wording implies you're trying to ship bugs in thunderbird..

Thunderbird: Free Your Inbox

The official podcast is now available! Look for it in your favorite app, or stream it here:

Or, you know, do it PROPERLY and add this feed to Thunderbird: 😉

Thunderbird: Free Your Inbox

Here's a very early implementation of Sync running in Thunderbird Daily!

The bones are there and the foundation is solid.

Though it may be called something else by the time we launch it in Thunderbird 115 (such as Thunderbird Sync or Sync), it's a feature we're THRILLED about putting in your hands.

Thunderbird: Free Your Inbox

Thunderbird for Android releases next year, and development is moving forward at a promising pace.

Here's an early (but not final) preview of what the Message View will look like:

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@thunderbird Pour nous qui utilisons et recommandons déjà Thunderbird et K9Mail, c'est probablement une très bonne chose !

mike_hales 💔*!?¿*

Great 🙂 When it releases, it will be good if it doesn't only sit on Google play. Some of us refuse to use any platform with Google in the URL. I need Google not to be aware that I have a phone! So fDroid, Aptoide, etc?, are necessary as alternate download sites.

Pedro Coelho

Thank you so much for all your work on @thunderbird ! A true masterpiece!

Thunderbird: Free Your Inbox

The path to bringing you a great email experience on Android devices begins with K-9 Mail, which joined the Thunderbird family earlier this summer.

As we work towards a modern redesign of desktop Thunderbird, we’re also working to improve K-9 Mail as it begins its transition to Thunderbird mobile in Summer 2023.

Read more about today's new release of K-9 Mail on the Thunderbird blog:

The path to bringing you a great email experience on Android devices begins with K-9 Mail, which joined the Thunderbird family earlier this summer.

As we work towards a modern redesign of desktop Thunderbird, we’re also working to improve K-9 Mail as it begins its transition to Thunderbird mobile in Summer 2023.

Thunderbird: Free Your Inbox

We never did a proper , did we? 😲

Hi Fediverse, we're Thunderbird, an client available for free on Linux, macOS and Windows. (And coming next year to Android. FINALLY, right?)

You can use Thunderbird for managing an unlimited number of mail accounts, calendars, newsgroup accounts, and RSS feeds. You can also chat using your @matrix account.

💙 LIKES: Open standards, privacy, freedom, customization.

🚫 DISLIKES: Proprietary code.

Nice to meet you 📩

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Jost :thisisfine: 🔥

@thunderbird @matrix
The matrix chat implementation really doesn't feel ready to ship yet. Maybe it should be flagged as beta or something. Just to adjust expectations, e.g. if I wouldn't use Thunderbird and would try that feature, I would probably delete Thunderbird immediately seeing how features are shipped and advertised even while being in such a poor state.

Sorry for the negativity, just my opinion. Using only the Mail feature I love Thunderbird so far.

@thunderbird @matrix
The matrix chat implementation really doesn't feel ready to ship yet. Maybe it should be flagged as beta or something. Just to adjust expectations, e.g. if I wouldn't use Thunderbird and would try that feature, I would probably delete Thunderbird immediately seeing how features are shipped and advertised even while being in such a poor state.

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