If you also hate the sound and annoyance of fireworks and firecrackers during these or other holidays, you'll totally get why sometimes I wouldn't mind going back to a time when making noise could warn predators of your presence.
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Open on mastodon.bsd.cafe Ricardo MartínCountry:
Personal infoAbout:
Functional daydreamer. I code, watch over your network, build things, and roll my own sushi. Chaotic good rogue. Don't you dare step in the kitchen. Diabetic Runner. Minimalism. Small Internet. he|him en|es|de #bsd #runbsd #freebsd #openbsd #openzfs #unix #cli #foss #selfhosting #decentralization #it #backend #networking #sysadmin #blueteam #freelance
Wall 9 posts
If you also hate the sound and annoyance of fireworks and firecrackers during these or other holidays, you'll totally get why sometimes I wouldn't mind going back to a time when making noise could warn predators of your presence. My new personal snac2 instance will be ready™ over the weekend, so I can spare you all from my casual, politically incorrect rants, food porn, and shitposting 😉 PS.: Now let's find a nice domain name, and a cheap VPS. @ricardo the problem of managing a tech instance that promotes self hosting: people start self-hosting 😆 Your parents probably taught you from a young age not to take gifts from strangers, right? Just a quick reminder that the @kiwix Project allows you to store and preserve offline **all** the content from the Wikimedia Foundation and the Gutenberg Project. |