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9 posts total
European Commission

🟢 Powering on AI factories.

Today, we are launching a rolling call for AI factories, which will help secure our position at the forefront of artificial intelligence.

These factories, created around the European High-Performance Computing supercomputers, will bring together computing power, data, and European talent.

The EU AI Act has pioneered safe and trustworthy #AI. Next is making Europe a global leader in this transformative technology.

ℹ️ Here’s how:!qy7HRp


🟢 Powering on AI factories.

Today, we are launching a rolling call for AI factories, which will help secure our position at the forefront of artificial intelligence.

These factories, created around the European High-Performance Computing supercomputers, will bring together computing power, data, and European talent.

The EU AI Act has pioneered safe and trustworthy #AI. Next is making Europe a global leader in this transformative technology.

ℹ️ Here’s how:!qy7HRp


@EUCommission How does this square with the Paris Agreement? The amount of energy and clean water needed to power AI factories is not insignificant and, as it currently stands, unnecessary for daily living.

Can you show us how the "AI factories" you're planning on subsidising will create a marked improvement to the lives of the majority of people living in the EU? Because right now, they can't even sort out how many 'r's are in strawberry.

European Commission

Would you like to travel with your furry friends this summer?

With the #EU #PetPassport, you can meow it possible!

You can travel easily with your cat, dog or ferret in the EU thanks to our passports for pets.

On #InternationalCatDay, here’s a simple guide on how to get one:

👩‍⚕️ 👨‍⚕️ Ask your local vet,
💾 micro-chip your four-legged friends,
🦇 vaccinate them against rabies,
⚕️ and make sure they had treatment against tapeworm (for certain countries).


Would you like to travel with your furry friends this summer?

With the #EU #PetPassport, you can meow it possible!

You can travel easily with your cat, dog or ferret in the EU thanks to our passports for pets.

On #InternationalCatDay, here’s a simple guide on how to get one:

👩‍⚕️ 👨‍⚕️ Ask your local vet,
💾 micro-chip your four-legged friends,
🦇 vaccinate them against rabies,
⚕️ and make sure they had treatment against tapeworm (for certain countries).

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Petra van Cronenburg

@EUCommission It's so important that people know it, Unfortunately, too many people throw away their pets on the streets for making holidays. The SPA in France is overwhelmed with work every summer. Animals found at the main roads are traumatised, these people could even bring them to the shelters!

#stopAbandon #pets #dogs #cats #SPA #holidays

European Commission

Today, we remember the more than 500,000 Roma murdered under the Nazi regime.

Their lives were extinguished, their culture suppressed, and their stories silenced.

80 years later, we remember the past and commit to do better in the future. We honour Roma’s legacy and continue to fight for a world where diversity is celebrated and where hatred has no place.

On #RomaHolocaustDay, we reemphasise our commitment to safeguard the rights of all minority groups.


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Stiofán de Buitléir


Why must people use the word #holocaust for the #porajmos ? Including the #eu?

Aren't #Sinti and #Roma permitted to name their own #genocide by the #nazis?


@EUCommission So we just gonna forget about the EU paying border countries to stop asylum seekers at any cost, and the pro-genocide stance towards israel's current actions? You're watching it happen again, and 50 years from now the scumbag who's taken over your job will post the same pointless commitment post on whatever public platform is available then. Probably while yet another people are being murdered with your support. Guess that commitment ain't worth shit then, is it.


@EUCommission You aren’t doing a great job with “all minority groups” and a worse one with Romani…

My closest friend is Sinti and what she had to go through in the Netherlands (not even eastern Europe) is just comprehensively fucked!

European Commission

First to propose, first to deliver: the AI Act enters into force today.

It sets comprehensive rules to address the risks of AI:

🔴 Unacceptable risk AI, such as social scoring, is banned
🟠 High-risk AI, like in medical devices, must meet strict requirements
🟡 Limited-risk AI, like chatbots, must inform users they are interacting with AI
🟢 Minimal risk AI, such as spam filters, can operate with no added obligations

Europeans can now safely seize the opportunities of AI:!t4QTc8

First to propose, first to deliver: the AI Act enters into force today.

It sets comprehensive rules to address the risks of AI:

🔴 Unacceptable risk AI, such as social scoring, is banned
🟠 High-risk AI, like in medical devices, must meet strict requirements
🟡 Limited-risk AI, like chatbots, must inform users they are interacting with AI
🟢 Minimal risk AI, such as spam filters, can operate with no added obligations

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Caleb Maclennan

@EUCommission How is spam filtering *not* social scoring ... obviously nobody familiar with even 20 year old Bayesian training much less modern infrastructure (as implemented by the likes of Gmail) had any input into this mess.

European Commission

AI is becoming a game-changer for businesses of all sizes and sectors.

In fact, in 2023, 8% of EU companies have already adopted AI technologies, with top-performing countries being:

🇩🇰 15,2%
🇫🇮 15,1%
🇱🇺 14,4%.

What's most exciting is that we're going to give SMEs and startups access to AI factories in the #EU and dedicated AI supercomputers, so they can use AI and stay competitive on a global scale.

AI factories are expected to be deployed in 2025.

🔗 More:!HXyQtH

AI is becoming a game-changer for businesses of all sizes and sectors.

In fact, in 2023, 8% of EU companies have already adopted AI technologies, with top-performing countries being:

🇩🇰 15,2%
🇫🇮 15,1%
🇱🇺 14,4%.

What's most exciting is that we're going to give SMEs and startups access to AI factories in the #EU and dedicated AI supercomputers, so they can use AI and stay competitive on a global scale.

European Commission

For the first time, we are issuing preliminary findings under the Digital Services Act.

In our view, X does not comply in areas linked to:

▪️ Dark patterns
▪️ Advertising transparency
▪️ Data access for researchers

We will ensure that all platforms comply with EU legislation.



Stop meddling in things you clearly do not understand. This is just another attempt to subdue a relatively free social network to censorship imposed by useless EU bureaucrats.

You should better learn to do something useful instead. You know, something people actually want & are willing to pay for.

European Commission

🗳️It is the final day to have your say! 
Today these countries will vote in the #EUelections2024
🇵🇹 🇪🇸 🇫🇷 🇱🇺 🇧🇪 🇮🇹 🇩🇪 🇩🇰 🇸🇪 🇫🇮 🇪🇪 🇱🇹 🇵🇱 🇦🇹 🇸🇮 🇭🇺 🇭🇷 🇷🇴 🇧🇬 🇬🇷 🇨🇾 

Democracy starts with YOU. 
#UseYourVote or others will decide for you.

🇺🇦 Dany

@EUCommission I already used mine yesterday! But I used the wrong hashtag under my post inviting people to vote 😂😂😂


@EUCommission Wish I could but I was dragged out by my government based on a fraudulent referendum voted on by a gerrymandered electorate.


“others will decide for you”, you mean like you’re deciding to ram through #ChatControl no matter how many of us oppose it?

European Commission

1 day to go 🗳️ 🇪🇺

In just one day, and over the following three days, the largest transnational elections in the world will take place.

This week #UseYourVote in the European elections.
Don’t let others decide for you.

All you need to know about the European elections →

European Commission

Our commitment to the fediverse is here to stay.

Today, we launched our new Mastodon instance. It will ensure a privacy-focused space to engage with and get the latest from our Commissioners, departments, and the official voices of the Commission.

We want to thank @Mastodon for stewarding us and helping us make this possible.

Fostering European digital players is vital to our strategy for a stronger #DigitalEU.

This is a unique opportunity to grow the community even more. Let's get there!

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Is there any web centent of the annoucement for press ?

Àlex Fiestas

@EUCommission @Mastodon Lovely, next thing is to support actual privacy by supporting e2e encryption without any doubt.

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