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European Commission

Would you like to travel with your furry friends this summer?

With the #EU #PetPassport, you can meow it possible!

You can travel easily with your cat, dog or ferret in the EU thanks to our passports for pets.

On #InternationalCatDay, here’s a simple guide on how to get one:

👩‍⚕️ 👨‍⚕️ Ask your local vet,
💾 micro-chip your four-legged friends,
🦇 vaccinate them against rabies,
⚕️ and make sure they had treatment against tapeworm (for certain countries).



@EUCommission microchips are extremely unethical and absolutely unnecessary though.



Why do you think it's unethical to microchip a cat?

edit: ah, trolling it seems. Nevermind then 🙂



@Pepijn @EUCommission same way as for humans if you support animal rights (and it's absolutely fine if you don't).


@NatureMC Yeah. Maybe trolls ought to be microchipped.. ;-)


Apicultor 🐝

@GolfNovemberUniform @EUCommission Identifying the animal unequivocally is important. The other option used to be a tattoo, which hurts a lot more.

In which way do you find a microchip unethical?


@apicultor @EUCommission I don't see it as an important thing.

I answered in another reply but since people absolutely hate "read the other comment" phrases, it's unethical in the same way as microchiping a human but it's only if you support animal rights.


@GolfNovemberUniform @apicultor @EUCommission Well I consider myself antispeciesist, but I don't think applying a chip to an human is the same to applying it to an animal.
I'll explain why: besides I agree with the fact that animals should be considered more in their right to live and in their right to be and express themselves. I think the chip is necessary because they are, anyways, different from an human baby or an human in general. (part 1/2)


@GolfNovemberUniform @apicultor @EUCommission They differs first of all in their behavior: a cat or a dog can escape more easily then an human baby or an human that understand he shouldn't go around. Chips help to bring a pet that has being lost to be found. (sorry for bad english) It's better to have a way to get them back at home then crying because we lost them.
You could say that people could just pay attention to their pet, but it's not always so easy and incidents can happen.

Apicultor 🐝

@EUCommission I appreciate that you chose a photo of a pet passport with Catalan on the cover! Perhaps one day it will become an official language of the EU.


@EUCommission since mastodon is full of furries, I got briefly shocked that EU officially joined them hahaha.


@EUCommission I would love to travel with our dog, but he's not in his best health to have vaccines for passport. He has a big lump on his chest that cannot be operated on as it is touching his ribcage. So we just do day outs. #pets #travelwithpets

Petra van Cronenburg

@EUCommission It's so important that people know it, Unfortunately, too many people throw away their pets on the streets for making holidays. The SPA in France is overwhelmed with work every summer. Animals found at the main roads are traumatised, these people could even bring them to the shelters!

#stopAbandon #pets #dogs #cats #SPA #holidays

European Commission

@UnitedSpaceCats Purr-fect initiative for our beloved furry friends, right? 😻

United Space Cats 😻

@EUCommission Thanks for your efforts in supporting all kinds of floof! 😻

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