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European Commission

Our commitment to the fediverse is here to stay.

Today, we launched our new Mastodon instance. It will ensure a privacy-focused space to engage with and get the latest from our Commissioners, departments, and the official voices of the Commission.

We want to thank @Mastodon for stewarding us and helping us make this possible.

Fostering European digital players is vital to our strategy for a stronger #DigitalEU.

This is a unique opportunity to grow the community even more. Let's get there!

European Commission

A journey only becomes one when it begins somewhere.

That's why we are grateful to @EDPS for having created and skillfully managed the EUVoice pilot instance.

Your vision has opened new horizons for us and European institutions.

Our new instance will only foster our engagement with this truly amazing community and be a reference for any institution interested in embracing the fediverse and open alternatives.

Nordnick :verified:

@EUCommission @EDPS

What is the difference between the old and the new instance?

And why do you decide to create a new one?

Nordnick :verified:

@eliasp @jwildeboer @EUCommission @EDPS


But still wondering why the existing instance wasn't kept... e.g. by moving it in some way.

But anyhow... good to know, that the #EU is still with us in the #Fediverse.

smallcircles (Humanity Now 🕊)


Delightful 💕 to see that #EuropeanCommission now has an official #Mastodon instance. #EC loves Mastodon, as the image clearly shows.

I hope this love will expand further to not just extend to one #FreeSoftware microblogging application, but to become a full embrace of the #OpenStandards based decentralized #SocialNetworking environment and #SocialWeb technology ecosystems that have formed around its open protocols, such as #ActivityPub.

Many thanks to @EDPS for its efforts!

Stately, plump Kip Van Den Bos

@EUCommission @EDPS

A journey only becomes one when it begins somewhere.

Are you all okay over there? Why are you writing nonsense like this? Are you under duress? Blink twice if you need help.


@Kdude I think they already migrated and this is the new account

EDIT: yep! old account was



@EUCommission @Mastodon Didn't you have a fediverse instance before? What's the difference now?

Janne Moren

@ponda @EUCommission @Mastodon
I believe that was more of a trial. Now there's a permanent instance, with - I assume - all the things they've learned about Mastodon incorporated into the setup.


@ponda @EUCommission @Mastodon this new instance is from the European Commission, unlike the previous one

unlucio 🌍 :mastodon:

@ponda @EUCommission @Mastodon until yesterday it was an experimental instance that would have been shut down for lack of funding.
I guess someone stepped in to help.
Now let's just hope it was for the sake of good rather than for the sake of profit.

Michael Ditsch

@EUCommission @Mastodon Congratulations! This is a good decision and a good solution for the #Fediverse and the #EU!

Dutch Investor

@EUCommission Thank you and congratulations!
It would be great if individual EU leaders would also start posting here, so you don't have to copy-paste screenshots from the deadbird site into Mastodon anymore.


@EUCommission @Mastodon ok but come off twitter as its run by a nazi

Jan Žegklitz

@EUCommission Now it is quite confusing. Which instance was the old one, which is the new one, and are you just migrating? Or are both going to be around? Which one is the primary one, if there is such a thing, or if they are equal, how do they differ? Could you, please, clarify?

Dutch Investor

@zegkljan @EUCommission I'm guessing the old one is already gone, and it's now only this one. So it's not complicated.

Dutch Investor

@zegkljan @EUCommission Oh you are right, that looks complicated.... There I was thinking EU keeps it simple for a change. Servers names are also needlessly long, why not just use something short like or whatever.

Nasher :mastodont: :savoie: The old one was and it looked like it would be used by several EU institutions. The new one is prefixed with EC, which seems like it's meant for the sole use of the European Commission... The old one is no longer reachable, which means all previous posts were lost in the process. Odd move, I must say.

European Commission

Hi @zegkljan! Thank you for your comment! The old instance referred to is ‘’, a pilot project conducted by the EDPS. The new one is ‘’. As the EDPS phases out their pilot project, we are migrating our accounts to our own instance that we will continue to run for the Commission. (1/2)

European Commission

@zegkljan The old instance was created, hosted and managed by @EDPS as part of a pilot project. As the pilot project was coming to an end, we decided to create a new instance to ensure our continued presence on Mastodon. The new instance is hosted and managed by the European Commission and has no expiry date. We are grateful to EDPS for their pilot that brought amazing engagement and opened the doors to a passionate community. (2/2)


@EUCommission Will EC's instance be open to other EU-related institutions like @eib? My guess is they will not be keen on operating separate instances just for 1-2 accounts.

Sebastian Lasse


While the first is nice, the second is unfortunately not true:

The EU is giving millions and millions to hypercapitalist monopolies in the form of Horizon and other lobby-funds.

There is no „real“ Open Source nor Open Protocol funding.
The opposite is the case:
Fedidevs loose their non-profit status.

Please read my interviews, e.g. [DE] or come to Conferences of the good lobby



While the first is nice, the second is unfortunately not true:

The EU is giving millions and millions to hypercapitalist monopolies in the form of Horizon and other lobby-funds.

There is no „real“ Open Source nor Open Protocol funding.
The opposite is the case:
Fedidevs loose their non-profit status.


@EUCommission @Mastodon

Great to see commitment to fedi and growing the community 🧡

Troed Sångberg


So instead of a general EU instance at "" there's now a single instance for the European Commission only at ""?

I'm happy that you're still here, but wow that seems like a waste of resources. Running the instance for the EC only is no more work than running one at one level higher for all of the EU institutions :(

European Commission

Hi @troed! Thank you for your comment! The old instance was a pilot. After a technical and legal analysis of this pilot, we concluded that it was appropriate to establish an instance dedicated only to the Commission to comply with the high data protection standards of each EU institution. While we were the first EU institution to create its own instance, we are committed to helping the other institutions do the same or migrate their content to another established instance.

Nasher :mastodont: :savoie:

Hi, what is the reason for ditching and why is leaving Mastodon ?

Karcsesz :bh_s_u:

A migration so seamless that I probably wouldn't have noticed the domain change without this post.
Excellent job, and happy to see that you've found a way to stay here ^^


@Karcsesz @EUCommission true. I see some complaints regarding the move but to view the post means you are no longer following the old instance 😃

Only a :verify_anime: fl👀f. I hope you get also a answer button for people who asked questions you always ignore. If not, then it is not better then a Meta / X (you know, that what sounds as a cheap porn service) account.

Egon Willighagen

@EUCommission @Mastodon how will the new instance be used? Will EP members be able to create an account here? HorizonEurope projects too?


@EUCommission @Mastodon I wonder if in the future, EU members will have their own instance, federated with @EUCommission ?

Seems like a more fair model than having EU members on

Tomi the Slav and 1024 others

@EUCommission @Mastodon I see you managed to transfer old posts and accounts. Good!

John Mulhall

@EUCommission @Mastodon Great to hear, and thank you for the committment. It is an important step we take together as a community.

Konstantin Macher

That is good to hear. 🎉
I wonder, is the then only for the commission and its departments and what happens to the other institutions, that were previously on
Will there be etc.? And what about other institutions such as @Curia? Will the commission host these as well on or support them in hosting their own instances?
CC @netzpolitik_feed @markusreuter @zarasophos

Petra van Cronenburg

@pneutig Many people have these questions. A press release or a blog explanation would be nice. @EUCommission @Curia @netzpolitik_feed @markusreuter @zarasophos

European Commission

Hi @pneutig! Thank you for your questions! Our new instance will only host accounts belonging to the European Commission, including Commissioners, Directorates-General, and spokespersons. While we were the first EU institution to create its own instance, we anticipate that other EU institutions will do the same. We are committed to helping them create their own instances or migrate their content to another established instance.

Slavutych Славутич
@EUCommission @Mastodon
Slavutych city welcomes you.
Greetings from UA🇺🇦.

As an active community we are open to any cooperation! That would be a great case, driven by federated social media!!!

Hold on!!!
@EUCommission @Mastodon
Slavutych city welcomes you.
Greetings from UA🇺🇦.

As an active community we are open to any cooperation! That would be a great case, driven by federated social media!!!
Jure Repinc :linux: :kde:

@EUCommission @Mastodon Great to hear this and also I hope you would do a lot more to promote Mastodon and do more to encourage people to move from closed surveillance platforms run by pro[to]fascist sociopaths to open privacy and freedom respecting platforms like this one.



Can you give us a more precise planning about the deployment of the different parts of the European administration on the #Fediverse ? Can you ensure us before the elections there shall be a real political commitment from the whole European administration to remain on the #Fediverse and to promote its effective use everywhere in the European institutions and beyond ?


Lyle Solla-Yates

@EUCommission @Mastodon thank you for your leadership on this, change at scale is hard


@EUCommission @Mastodon In Germany we don't say "Thank you, Mastodon."

We say: "Das Finanzamt entzieht Mastodon die Gemeinnützigkeit!" And I think it's beautiful.


@EUCommission @Mastodon

Hello and welcome to the Fediverse. So nice of you to join us.

BiggestBulb 💡🏳️‍🌈🧑‍💻

@EUCommission @Mastodon thank you for investing in our corner of the internet! This is massive!

Petra van Cronenburg

@EUCommission @Mastodon Great #news for #Europe #EU and so important before the #EUElections!

But a press release or longer text for transparency would be fine. Many people don't know why your old instance is given up. And we are curious if we'll find only the commission on Mastodon or more organisations and important politicians?
In the comments here you see: we need answers to understand all that.

Dam H.

@EUCommission @Mastodon on veux la déclinaison en VF (et les autres aussi).
Comme en plus, plus aucun pays de l'UE n'a l'anglais comme langue officielle ça serait cohérent.
Merci :)

Edit: en fait il reste l'Irlande et Malte


Le Français étant la langue officielle de l'UE avec l'Anglais, on veut tout de même la VF


@EUCommission can you get all the science accounts over here as well? Like @esa @copernicusems @CopernicusEU

Timothy Jasionowski

@EUCommission @Mastodon Can you occasionally post key EU accounts and newly launched ones? It would be great to have an ongoing update on your evolving presence.


@EUCommission @Mastodon

"Sowas wie die Europäische Union. Nur komplett anders."

"Something like the European Union. Only completely different."

- Nico Semsrott


@EUCommission @Mastodon

YEAH! :blobcheerwitch: ❤️

Awesome! 🙇 the correct example!

Do you see this @beheerder :ed_grin:


@EUCommission Fantastic to see you're here to stay!

IainMac9 🇦🇺🏴󠁧󠁢󠁳󠁣󠁴󠁿

@EUCommission @Mastodon hello and welcome! Please support Scotland’s future bid for independence so I can become a European citizen once more xxx ❤️❤️❤️

Helgi Crookehorne

@EUCommission @Mastodon so now it's time to stop buying "Kazakh" oil that's usually Russian oil and since Aliev regime is on good terms with Putin, maybe check if some Azerbaijan's oil is not Russian oil too

DarkChocobo :gaming_zelda_link:

@EUCommission @Mastodon Welcome "Yurop"! To mastodon, our Europa pa, Europa pa! 🇪🇸🙏🇪🇺

Elena. (she/ her) I am really glad you set up your own instance and did not just migrate to another one you don‘t habe control over. It is important that public institutions do that.


@EUCommission @Mastodon

You got it :-) Thanks !!!/ Except you want to sell sth on Social Media or get more popular or fight no-brainers (which is legitimate and important, too :-) - the focus of public #democratic communication isn't just to be: who has the most followers & users NOW ... But at least same important for public institutions ought to be: Which communication-channel 'll be the one left at the right (the good one - by god not the political direction,) =democratic side in times of a potential illiberal crises! - And at that time, user will shift here anyway. - Against all odds,) ..

#democracy #humanrights #Europe #FreedomofSpeech

@EUCommission @Mastodon

You got it :-) Thanks !!!/ Except you want to sell sth on Social Media or get more popular or fight no-brainers (which is legitimate and important, too :-) - the focus of public #democratic communication isn't just to be: who has the most followers & users NOW ... But at least same important for public institutions ought to be: Which communication-channel 'll be the one left at the right (the good one - by god not the political direction,) =democratic side in times of a potential...

Osma A

While I'm glad you're staying, it is a true loss that there no longer is a server hosting other EU institutions besides the Commission. Surely it wouldn't have been a big cost to maintain one where other official accounts could have also stayed.



Is there any web centent of the annoucement for press ?

Àlex Fiestas

@EUCommission @Mastodon Lovely, next thing is to support actual privacy by supporting e2e encryption without any doubt.

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