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Jan Žegklitz

@EUCommission Now it is quite confusing. Which instance was the old one, which is the new one, and are you just migrating? Or are both going to be around? Which one is the primary one, if there is such a thing, or if they are equal, how do they differ? Could you, please, clarify?

Dutch Investor

@zegkljan @EUCommission I'm guessing the old one is already gone, and it's now only this one. So it's not complicated.

Dutch Investor

@zegkljan @EUCommission Oh you are right, that looks complicated.... There I was thinking EU keeps it simple for a change. Servers names are also needlessly long, why not just use something short like or whatever.

Nasher :mastodont: :savoie: The old one was and it looked like it would be used by several EU institutions. The new one is prefixed with EC, which seems like it's meant for the sole use of the European Commission... The old one is no longer reachable, which means all previous posts were lost in the process. Odd move, I must say.

European Commission

Hi @zegkljan! Thank you for your comment! The old instance referred to is ‘’, a pilot project conducted by the EDPS. The new one is ‘’. As the EDPS phases out their pilot project, we are migrating our accounts to our own instance that we will continue to run for the Commission. (1/2)

European Commission

@zegkljan The old instance was created, hosted and managed by @EDPS as part of a pilot project. As the pilot project was coming to an end, we decided to create a new instance to ensure our continued presence on Mastodon. The new instance is hosted and managed by the European Commission and has no expiry date. We are grateful to EDPS for their pilot that brought amazing engagement and opened the doors to a passionate community. (2/2)

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